Chapter 35

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"K," I said quietly, before wrapping my arms around him.

I don't know how he did what he did. But Kyle's small gestures and surprises were everything I ever wanted in a relationship. He was my everything.

"Miabear, I missed you."

Kyle and I had exchanged keys awhile ago, it was probably too soon, but I didn't care.

"I missed you more. When did we get this clingy?"

"I don't know, I think it's always been like this. But I don't mind," and he kissed me.

His lips were always soft, too soft. I think they are even softer than mine and I use a special lip mask almost daily.

I pulled away, "Why are your lips so soft?"

"Don't you love them?"

He pulled me in for another kiss, and I could tell he was purposefully pressing his lips further into mine causing me to laugh.

"Seriously, what is it? Magical lip balm?"

"Babe, I don't wear lip balm."

"Then how are they so perfect?"

This time I pulled him in for another kiss, I would never have enough of Kyle.

"It's all natural. I'm blessed, what else can I say? But you already know that since I've been blessed with you."

I knew he was blessed alright, have you seen that face? Those eyes? The abs? Dare I say, his dick? His words were so smooth, his face was so sexy, his heart was pure gold.

I often wondered would it always be like this? Would I always be this obsessed with him? Sure, we'd age, he won't always look that perfect, but somehow, I think he'll always look perfect to me. He'll always be perfect for me. I just felt it.

"God, I love you," and I pecked him one last time.

"And I love you. I have some news for you."

"Good or bad?"


"Well, tell me already!"

"Alright, alright," he dragged me to the couch, "I'm going to be delivering the checks to the headquarters of one of the charities this weekend."

"That sounds wonderful, Kyle."

"Yes, it's amazing. But the headquarter is in New York."


Yes, I was upset that my boyfriend would be gone all weekend in New York. It could've been worse, it could've been a week, a month even. Suddenly, this good news didn't seem so good anymore.

"Baby, I want you to come with me. You will come, right?"

I knew Kyle would offer and that was great, I loved how he always wanted to include me. However, there was that part of me that would never get used to Kyle being a billionaire that can fly anywhere at any time, for work or for pleasure. If he stopped working right now, he would be more than set for three lifetimes.

I did want to join Kyle. New York sounded amazing and I would love to spend that time with him, but I couldn't bear to miss work this Friday and I promised my mom I'd come visit.

"Kyle, baby, I can't. You know I'd love to, but I can't miss work. And to top it all off, my mom wants me to come up this weekend. Actually, I was going to invite you," and I nervously rubbed the back of my neck.

But yes, it was my mother who wanted Kyle to join me. Along with everyone in my office, my mom was dying with questions to ask me about my relationship with Kyle. She knew we were dating for awhile, but I don't think she realized how serious we were until I attended the gala with him this past weekend.

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