Chapter 40

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A part of me knew that my parents would love Kyle. They couldn't stop talking about him. Mostly my mom, but my dad had some good things to say as well.

Mind you, it's only the morning after the dinner.

Early morning.

Surprisingly, my mom hadn't called yet, but she was probably still sleeping.

She had called three times last night. Once right after we left, one halfway during the drive, then I called her to tell her we were home and finally, she called once more to wish us a goodnight, even though she had done that in each previous call.

For once, I was happy to be up early. I always felt that way when Kyle was with me. Early mornings no longer bothered me until I had to leave his arms.

I had missed the feeling of being wrapped inside of Kyle's arms. I missed the way he slept so close to me, and the feeling of protection he gave me. He was so cute when he slept. His hair was messy, his pink lips slightly parted as he breathed in and out through his mouth. His chest rises softly, his long eyelashes curling against his face. He was gorgeous. Morning stubble dotted across his jawline, and I wanted nothing more than to wake him up with a kiss.

After our dinner, we didn't get as much time to talk and enjoy one another as I had hoped for because Kyle was so tired. He fell asleep on the way home and I couldn't blame him. It was a long drive and he had been busy traveling and taking care of sweet Mia that his poor body was exhausted.

Even throughout dinner, I noticed his secretive yawns that he tried so desperately to hide. I don't think my parents noticed, but I definitely did. He had slight bags under his eyes, but I admired his face so much I barely even saw them. When I looked at him now and reflected over last night, all I saw was love. His pure love and adoration for me. He suffered through meeting my parents jet lagged and didn't complain once.

He was definitely a champion. My champion.

He was also so kissable. His cheeks were begging to be kissed, his nose, his forehead, and especially, those lips. He was perfection in every way possible and no one could ever compete with him. It doesn't get better than this.

Does it?

Kyle's eyes begin to flutter, but before he opens them, he lets out a mild yawn and smiles when he looks at me perched in front of him. I'm lying on my elbow, still observing him.

"Morning gorgeous," his hand extended to stroke my cheek softly with his thumb, before he took my hand in his and lifted it to his lips to place a kiss on my knuckles.

"Good morning, cutie. I love you so much," and I kissed him lightly on the lips.

"I love you so much more."

"Thank you, baby. You sacrificed so much for me last night. I'm so grateful my parents finally got to meet you."

"No need to thank me. I would do it again and again and again. I love you, I love your parents and Mavy, it was a wonderful evening."

I studied his face some more, staring into his deep blue eyes. Kyle was always so sincere, he had the purest heart and I couldn't imagine living without him.

I squeezed his hand in appreciation, smiling at him and enjoying his beauty.

He tucked a hair behind my ear, kissing the same spot below my ear afterwards.

"I missed you, Miabear. I never want to leave you again."

My heart clenched and almost instinctively, my eyes began to water. I felt the same way. It was torture being away from him, even for such a short amount of time.

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