Chapter 54

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*Trigger Warning ⚠️ discussions regarding sexual assault*

After the wonderful week of birthday bliss, Kyle and I both finally returned to work that Monday. Even though work was supposed to be on my mind, I could only think of our next adventure.

One year together.

It was quickly approaching and we already had everything booked. We decided to take our trip to Paris to commemorate the first year of our relationship. I, of course, had never been. This was only something I could dream of as a little girl.

Walking along the Champs-Élyssées with my lover's hand in mine, as we go from store to store, sharing kisses along the way. We would make our way to a little café, sharing a pain au chocolat and drink cappuccinos, harboring all of the energy we could to enjoy all of our time together. We would take a stroll along the river Seine, embracing one another on the bridge holding us up. Then I'd chase him as we made our way to Notre-Dame, the Arc de Triomphe, and the Louvre. The day would be spent smiling, loving, and admiring the views around us. I'd let the whipped cream from my crêpe squeeze out onto his nose, and I'd laugh as he tries to kiss me in his effort to get the cream off. Finally, we'd rent some bikes and bike up to the Eiffel Tower. He would hold me in his arms, resting his chin against my shoulder as we watched the twinkling lights illuminate the marvelous tower. The elevator would take us up to the summit, so we could observe the view from the top. He'd take me by surprise and dip me, leaving the sweetest kiss on my lips. We would eat dinner, he would try to get me to taste escargot, but I'd turn away in disgust and indulge in another glass of wine instead. I'd convince him to take the stairs down and then I would complain half way there, so he would carry me for the rest of the time. It would be raining by the time we got back to the hotel, but he covered me with his jacket, holding me tight and kissing me passionately in front of the entrance. Our clothes would be soaked when we got in, so we'd take them all off and hop into bed where we would do anything but sleep. We'd end the day with a warm bubble bath and I would replay the day over and over again in my head.

"Mia!" I was startled by the sound of Wyatt's voice, pulling me away from my Parisian fantasy.

"Hey, Wyatt. What's up?"

"I've been calling you for the past five minutes. I finally decided to just head to your office. What were you doing?"


"Ah, the boyfriend again."

"Something like that. Anyways, what is it?"

"Well, the appointment with the Whether's company has been moved to their office. I was told to accompany you to the meeting. Mr. Reynolds wants you to take the lead."


"Of course, Mia. Don't sound so surprised."

"It's hard not to. Sometimes I don't know what he's thinking. What time do we have to go?"


"Oh no, Kyle was going to come for lunch. I'll just tell him I can't. That's probably why Reynolds is sending us. He doesn't want to skip lunch."

Wyatt laughed, as I grabbed my things.

"You're probably right. It's about a ten minute walk."


I sent a quick text to Kyle, telling him about the meeting, and left with Wyatt.

I was nervous. I didn't usually lead the meetings. I always got to voice my opinions, but Mr. Reynolds was the boss. I was the assistant. With me as the authority speaker, I just hoped they would give me the time of day.

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