Chapter 3

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Walking into his penthouse, Kyle wasted no time.

He had me pinned against his sofa, my hands above my head while his lips started their assault on my body.

His lips were like fire, burning my skin with every movement. His lips were everywhere, on my lips, my neck, the top of my chest, and I was burning.

His hands touched me, they roamed over every inch of my body, he was so confident with his movements, he knew that his actions were driving me crazy.

Crazy for him.

He had us standing now, and I guessed we were slowly walking ourselves back to his room.

Soon, one of his hands made their way around my waist, while the other patted my butt, indicating that I should jump. I took the hint, wrapping my own arms around his neck. Our lips never left each other's, and he laid me gently on his bed.

He pulled away from me, catching his breath and his eyes searched my own. I couldn't take his stare, not right now. I just wanted him, the desire for him was running through my veins. I had never felt this way about anyone, let alone a one night stand.

"Before we continue, I have to make sure this is okay. I would never force you to do something that you don't want to do, Mia. But god, let me tell you, I want you so bad."

I didn't think the room could get any hotter, or that my desire for him could reach new heights. But with his words, I wanted to jump his bones.

"I want you," I said quietly, finding my voice.

He looked into my eyes again, and I nodded, pulling him down on top of me.

His lips were on mine in a second, his hands continuing their search of my body. Being touched never felt so bad, yet so good.

His shirt was gone, and my hands did their own searching. I felt up and down his chest, he works out, that's for sure.

Soon, my own shirt was gone, and his lips found a new place to explore.

His tongue on my breasts, licking, swirling, biting softly, I felt like I was going to pass out from the pleasure.

When he dragged my skirt down, my body shivered in response. But his hands soon returned to my thighs, and he leant down to press a kiss on each thigh.

"Gorgeous," Kyle said under his breath, before looking into my eyes. I reached out, wrapping my
arms around his neck, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. His kisses were addictive, I never wanted to take my lips off of his.

I pulled on his jeans, attempting to remove more of his clothing. He took his jeans off, and looked into my eyes once again.

Slowly, he slid my underwear off of my body, and I immediately squeezed my thighs together on instinct.

Kyle smirked, and touched my cheek.

"Don't be self conscious, Mia. You're absolutely beautiful."

And I felt his fingers starting to roam, one stray finger pushing inside of me without warning, causing for me to moan his name. This must have stirred something inside of him because he curled his finger, before adding another. He was showing me that he knew how to please a woman and this night felt like it was all about me, but I wasn't complaining one bit.

"I love the way you moan my name, baby."

And he leant his head down, replacing his finger with his mouth, as he placed kisses down my center, teasing me with the tip of his tongue.

My body shuddered, and I needed Kyle now. I was done waiting, I couldn't wait anymore.

I was over the games and ready for the ride, pun surely intended.

"Please," I pleaded.

"You want me that bad?"


His boxers were soon removed and he entered me,
as I mentally prepared for the long night ahead of us.

The feeling of being with Kyle was indescribable, the pleasure was so high I could barely take it.

When it was over, I was beat. His bed was so comfortable, and my energy was gone. I felt a kiss on my forehead before I fell asleep.

•  •  •

When I woke up the next morning, I could feel the effects of last night on my body. I felt different. I felt better.

I didn't regret a thing. And why should I? It was probably the best night of my life. I have never ever had a one night stand, whenever I've had sex, it's been with my boyfriend. But last night I wanted a change.

There was no body besides me in the morning, and for some reason, I was really bothered by that. I shouldn't be because last night will never happen again. However, I couldn't believe Kyle has left me.
Then I spotted a note on the night stand.

"I'm so sorry I had to go to work early this morning. I couldn't wake you up, you looked so peaceful. I hope you know that I'm not the kind of guy to leave a girl after sleeping with her, but I had no choice. I left the spare key on the counter, so feel free to lock up whenever you're ready to go. And because you're going to have my key, I guess that means I'll be able to see you again. I can't wait, Mia. Call me or something—(555) 627-9804

Love, Kyle

P.S. Last night was amazing."

I was swooning over this guy and he isn't even here with me. He's too charming. And as much as I can't wait to see him again, I know that nothing can happen.

The person I was last night isn't really me. It's a split personality, for when I don't feel like being the good little girl. At least that is what I was calling it. But it's in my nature to be the good girl, to do the right things. Last night showed me something that I was missing. Love, romance, passion, what a shame I can't really have those things.

I sighed as I stretched in Kyle's bed, noticing my clothes neatly folded beside me. But it was then I also noticed how gorgeous this room was, and how large as well. His room looked like it was the size of my whole apartment. His bed had to be a California king, and it was so comfy. No wonder I fell asleep so quickly.

After getting dressed, I explored the rest of the penthouse. And let me tell you it's beautiful and very great in size.

He has a view of the whole city in the kitchen and living room area where I can eat breakfast on the marble countertop while flipping through the newspaper. That's how I imagined my morning to go, with a cup of coffee in hand, taking a look at the stocks while listening to the cars pass by.

He had a black, leather couch which I vaguely remember being pressed up against and a flat screen TV plastered to the wall followed by a bookcase that was overfilled, yet classy.

You can learn a lot about a person by looking through their house and I liked what I saw. It's funny how when you're caught up in lust, you can't even notice your surroundings. You're too focused on who you're with and the feelings you have.

I dreaded actually leaving the penthouse after I took notice of its' beauty. While locking the door, I considered finding a place to hide the spare key so I didn't have to see Kyle again. But I couldn't do that, someone could break in or he would be upset with me and come find me and kill me. Or maybe nothing would happen at all, but secretly, I really did want to see him again.

I texted him almost immediately after leaving the penthouse. I texted him my address, so he would know where to pick up his key. However, I did not bring last night up at all.

When he didn't reply soon enough, I finally realized that I had to catch an Uber home because I did not drive last night.

Even during the car ride home, I thought of Kyle. I thought of last night and how he made me feel. I thought about how he said last night was amazing. I thought of how he wouldn't text me back. But no matter what I tried to think about, I just could not shake Kyle out of my mind.

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