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weatherbee ended up banning all tattoos and serpent jackets, but they all protested of course meaning that the stupid rule was overlooked.

there was a definitive split now, with the southsiders claiming a few close tables in the cafeteria, whilst we reciprocated on the other side.

"hey m" i smiled as midge plonked down next to me.

"hey ally, any food today then?" she giggled.

i pulled out packets of biscuits and sweets, a tradition that we decided to uphold every friday. it was like a 'congratulations you survived a week in riverdale' thing, but we mainly just wanted the food.

we scoffed through the treats, jughead joining us half way through and stealing all of my jellybeans.

"heyyy" i whined, he threw one at my face which i easily caught in my mouth. we all laughed obnoxiously loudly, not realising. well until i looked up to see that same serpent staring at me again.

i was beginning to get a bit confused. why was he so curious about my face?

i shrugged off the thought and continued stuffing my face with sweets. a few serpents made their way over, talking to jughead.

"so you going to introduce us?" she asked sweetly, which was unexpected but i shouldn't make preconceptions.

"ah yeah, toni this is my best friend alana but we all call her ally, and this is midge but us two call her m" he smiled cutely back at her.

"hey guys, like he said i'm toni, this is fangs and sweet pea" she nodded politely.

it was only then that i noticed the creeper behind 'fangs', who's name was apparently sweet pea?

"nice to meet you all" i smiled, trying to not come across condescending.

"i hope we can talk soon" fangs said, mainly directing it to midge.

"i'm sure that can be arranged" sweet pea added, looking at me once more.

"well i'll see you guys tonight at the wyrm then?" jug asked.

there was a series of 'yeah, see yas' and they were all gone.


i rode home on my bike, noticing how sweet and innocent it appeared compared to the motorcycles it was parked next to now.

when i got home i knew just from the screaming, that a few bruises would have to be covered up tomorrow. i tried to sneak off, tiptoeing gently upstairs to avoid their rage.

"ALANA MASON HERE NOW" i sighed as martin screamed from down stairs.

"yes martin?" i seethed, trying my hardest to put on a polite facade.

"don't 'yes martin' me you brat, your mother has been crying all day. you never help her. you left all that washing up from breakfast and her toast was burnt! do you not care about your own mother!?" i swear he was making things up just for an excuse to be angry at me.

"no- i mean yes but i did wash up- just not after her because i was already late and i didn't want to- i needed to get to school i-" he stopped me with a rough slap to the cheek, something i'd never received before.

my hand instantly flew up to my sore flesh, as it pulsated under my touch.

"you bitch, you are so worthless. you and your father. both lazy pieces of shit that don't deserve your beautiful mother" he spat at me, pushing me to the wall with every word.

i flinched and he took the opportunity to shove my back against the hard surface. i pushed him back, but his stance was too solid and he wrapped his calloused hands around my neck, pushing me further up the wall.

"get off her, that's enough" my mum cried quietly, genuinely sad at the scene before her eyes.

he was enraged, and pushed her back over the sofa, hitting her head on the floor.

"see, this is what happens when you're here. you make me do things. it's all your fault!" he shouted into my face, as i flinched back.

martin grabbed my wrists and dragged me up the stairs, the carpet burning holes into my legs.

he dragged me into his room, shoving me into the bed. no, this was not happening. the abuse i can take but this is too far.

he pinned me, continually pounding his fist into my stomach and ribs, a few to the face to bust my nose and lip.

i began to feel drowsy, my push against him faltering as the punches continued, he took advantage of this though. i felt the hem of my top get lifted over my head and my shorts get pulled down. he planted rough and sloppy kisses over my stomach and moved down. too far down.

this is when my fight mode kicked in. i thrashed my legs, enough to kick him where the sun doesn't shine, and he doubled over onto the floor. i took the opportunity to pull my clothes back on, grab my phone, and rush into the pouring rain.

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