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i ran far away, i think i even made it to the south side but i wouldn't know. i didn't care at this point, i just wanted to be gone.

my soaked fingers searched for jughead in my contacts, shaking as i lifted it to my ear.

it rang for a few seconds but he quickly answered. this was when every bottled up emotion overflowed into the phone.

"jug i went home and he was screaming and he hit me and my m-mum and then dragged me u-upstairs and he was going to r-r-rape me and now i'm in the r-rain and i don't know where i am" i cried, stammering as i blurted every word out.

"ally where are you? look for a street sign" he said panicky.

"urm i'm near south park road?" i sniffled.

"okay i know where that is, just walk along that road and you'll come to a bar 'the whyte wyrm' i'll be outside" he said.

"o-okay thanks so much jughead"

"you know i'm here whenever" he said sympathetically before ending the call.

i ran to the wyrm as it was already within my radius, only to see jughead standing worriedly outside.

he sprinted towards me, as he saw me in a pair of dangerously short shorts on with a very thin vest, to go with the fluffy slippers that decorated my feet. they were all dripping wet, and my soaked blonde hair was hanging around my face like seaweed.

he scooped me up in his arms and pulled my frail body into the bar, laying me down into a sofa.

"woah is that ally?" toni asked worriedly, which was nice to say we'd only just met.

"yeah could you get someone to help me?" he asked frantically.

"sure, hey sweets!" toni shouted.

i had no idea what was going on, but i felt blankets and towels being wrapped around my body whilst someone aided my nose and lip. i opened my eyes to see jugs face mirroring mine, applying ice to my face.

he saw my broken eyes and engulfed me into a brotherly hug. i didn't even notice sweet pea sitting right next to me.

"so what happened?" jug asked, wanting the full story.

he knelt in front of me, rubbing my hands with his thumbs as i explained the whole story. i guess i had an audience but why would that matter, this shit is spread within days around riverdale.

"i'm calling the police" toni added.

"no- no please! i'll go up for adoption they'll both be sent to jail and i can't deal with not being with my friends" i said nervously.

"okay, what do you want to do?" sweet pea asked sympathetically, but still slouched back into his chair as if he didn't give a damn.

"can i stay with you jug? would your dad mind? only for a few days, i can find a motel or something but just for now?" i rambled.

"stay for as long as you need, none of this motel malarky, you're family" he smiled pulling me into another hug.

"why don't we all go back to mine? i can lend you some clothes and we can watch movies to take your mind off it" toni smiled sweetly.

i nodded nervously, after all i didn't really know these people. but if they were jugs friends they were mine.


the southsiders were surprisingly really nice people, even more loyal than us. i wish we could all just get along because we are only teenagers after all, this whole gang nonsense is getting old.

"thanks toni, this means a lot" i said, my bust lip thumping with every twitch.

"it's fine, you take a shower and put these on after, you're a size 4 right?" she smiled.

"yeah thanks"

locking the door, i quickly stripped down and hopped into the shower.

i looked down at the tub to see dilute crimson water flowing to the plug hole. i huffed as i began to wash my hair.

after i'd finished i pulled on a towel, not wanting to see the reflection of my bare stomach, knowing it wouldn't be good.

i got dressed into the black ripped skinny jeans and black vest. which beautifully showed off the black and blue bruises decorating my wrists and neck, in fingerprint shapes.

i dried my hair and shoved it back into a ponytail, ready to go and meet the guys. i breathed and opened the door to see them all huddled on toni's huge bed, chatting and texting. their heads snapped over and jug gave me a very sympathetic look.

"no, guys come on it's over. let's get over these sympathy looks. i'll get over it" i fake laughed, putting on a false grin. they all nodded hesitantly, but toni patted the bed next to her and i hopped on.

"so, grease or finding nemo?" she giggled, and all the lads groaned painfully.

"grease!" i squealed, enthusing over my favourite musical.

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