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we settled in to the new layout of the room, my bed in one corner and jugs the other. we both laid sprawled across our mattresses, tiredly.

"thanks for letting this happen jug"

"it's fine ally, you've always been my sister"

"aw jug, i guess you've always been my brother too. love you, night juggie" i smiled over at him, clicking off the light switch.

"night al, god bless" he said, crashing his head onto the pillow.

if only there was a god. and if there is then i want a new one.


i was snuggled into sweets, sat in between his legs as we watched movies eating ben and jerry's chocolate fudge brownie.

i felt his hands snake around my waist drawing shapes into my skin with his fingers.

"hey sweets i've been thinking... i wanna do the serpent dance" i smirked, wanting to see his reaction.

"well urm, you're already a serpent?" he asked confused.

"yeah but come on, i had a party. i don't feel like i had the proper initiation" i spun round, pressing my hands on his chest.

"well i can't complain" he smirked "but, toni won't be happy"

i poured, furrowing my brows.

"she thinks it sexualises women, and i think so too it's really outdated. i don't see the guys doing strip shows" he sniggered, shaking his head.

"well i'll just do it when you least expect" i smiled, poking his chest.

"i'm sure you could give me a teaser now... a sneak peek?" he smiled, raising his eyebrows.

i winked, standing up and slipping off my jacket, facing away from him teasingly. i walked sexily over to him, and leant in, he pulled my shirt over my head and i straddled him leaning in for a passionate kiss, which i cut short.

"coming soon" i teased.

"whyyyy do you do this to me alana!" he groaned.

"it's funny" i giggled pulling my top back on but leaving the jacket on the floor.

my phone buzzed in my pocket, which i whipped out quickly. seeing the all too familiar "unknown" caller show up. this can't just be a coincidence, this isn't just an automated message.

i gulped down, sweet pea giving me a weird look. i had to answer. i needed to know who this was, so i excused myself into his room.

i swiped the phone, answering the call.

"finally, it's malachi. you might not know me yet, but you will soon" i could sense his smug smirk through the phone.

"who are you?" i asked nervously.

"don't worry about that. mention me to your boyfriend, sweet pea is it? it's amazing what you find out, even behind bars" he seethed.

"you're in jail?" i asked, shocked.

"just got out, but sweet pea knows all about that. and jughead, and last but certainly not least. that ginger friend of yours, archie andrews?"

"how do you know all of this" i gulped.

"i have ways. see you soon, dipper"

the phone line ended, beeping before the screen turned black.

i walked back into the room, where sweet pea was slouched against the sofa.

"who was that?" he asked.

"oh just an automated message" i lied.

"ah, just block it" he nodded.

little did either of us know that malachi was closer than we thought.


i rocked up to school two hours late, or four hours too early for my liking. and went into my locker. i saw the white dress, covered in a crimson stain and pushed it to the back of my locker. i had to keep it, it's the only thing i have left, the only memory.

i pushed a few books into the locker to lighten my bag and slammed it shut, noticing the photographs still littering the locker to my right.

i stared at them for a while, noticing the other friends she actually had. everyone loved her so much, even if they weren't as close as us, but i was wrong to rip the photos down.

i went back to my locker, pulling out a few photos i'd stuck to my locker inside, and stuck them right in the middle of the door.

"love you midge" i whispered over at the locker, looking at her smiling face along with mine and jugs. then there was one of us all together with the serpents, midge and i looked so innocent.

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