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Days, no weeks went by and there was no sign of the serpents. I would do anything to get Sweet Pea or Jughead or even fucking Veronica to walk through those doors and take me home right now. My wounds were slowly beginning to heal, but Malachi made sure that he visited me everyday to one; creep me out, and two; change my bandages.

There was a knock that echoed through my room, and in walked Penny herself.

"Hey darling, we're going to play a game" She smiled, and I just nodded obediently.

There's no point resisting. Like I said, I need to come across as weak and compliant to their rules if I'm ever going to leave. That was the plan anyway.

"Look at my girl, learning so fast" She said in a high pitched voice, pretending to care.

I just followed the pink haired biker to the bar area, where all of her ghoulies where gathered around. When we walked in there was a few wolf whistles and cheers, much to my disgust.

"So as you all know this is my daughter, Alana" She smiled, opening her arms.

There were mike wolf whistles and I swear that my embarrassment was so overpowering that I completely zoned out.

"Well she's agreed to become a ghoulie! As you know, she was a serpent. But we have burnt the jacket. Oh and Verne?" She asked.

My heart sunk to my stomach, they burnt my jacket? I can't believe she'd do that, but I also can't believe how naive I am being right now. I can buy another jacket, but I can't buy myself out of this.

"Yeah?" One of the gang members asked, standing up beside Malachi who had his lethal gaze boring into my body.

"You're good with tattoos right?" Penny smirked.

"Yes ma'am" he nodded.

"Ally will be needing one" She nodded over to me and my heart sunk even deeper.

"What? No I can't" I said worriedly, the jacket is fine but I can't get a tattoo.

"But you're part of the gang are you not?" Penny asked, pretending to pout like a child as she neared me.

"No, you never even asked me. I can't do this" I said. The whole innocent and weak act was out of the window.

"No?" She asked sternly.

"No" I replied with the same tone.

"You really are my daughter huh?" She smirked as though she was proud.

"No, I'm not" I replied.

She kissed her teeth in response and nodded over to the two ghoulies, who strutted towards me and grabbed an arm each.

"Get your fucking hands off me, I'll walk myself" I growled, pulling my arms away.

"Alright princess, don't bite" Malachi mumbled into my ear, nibbling it lightly at the end.

I just huffed but the two guys didn't let go of my arms as they guided me out of the bar and into a back room. Verne shiver me down into a chair.

"I'm not getting a tattoo" I said adamantly, pushing myself back up.

Malachi shook his head and pushed me back down, wrapping belts over my arms so I couldn't move.

"You're all sick" I said, a lump in the back of my throat as I tried to hold back tears.

"Yeah" he shrugged and lifted up my top, revealing my stomach.

"I say we do it there" He pointed to a bare piece of skin, not covered by stab wounds, and nodded.

"What we doing?" Verne asked Malachi.

"The ghoulie skull of course, make sure it's nice and big too" He smirked creepily at me, knowing he was getting a kick out of being a dick.

I shook my head in fear as I heard the familiar buzzing sound of the needles. When I got my serpent tattoo it hurt like a bitch, but I actually wanted it done, this was completely different.

Giving Malachi one last pleading glare, I prepared for the pain. Eventually it hit, and the pain wasn't as bad as on my neck, but it made it worse that I wasn't prepared.

They both exchanged evil laughs every now and then when Malachi looked over Vernes shoulder and gave him an excited pat.

Hours went by of the pain and when they were finally done they both just stared at it for a while.

"It looks beautiful" Malachi grinned, his disgustingly white teeth shining under the harsh light.

I just rolled my eyes and wiggled my wrists, hoping they'd get the idea and undo the belts over them. This was all very dramatic for a teenage gang, I mean they've literally kidnapped a teenage girl and for what reason really? Technically it wasn't a kidnapping though, as she was literally my mother much to my dismay.

They undid the belts and I hopped up, the pain wasn't even that bad on my stomach so I could walk fine if I rolled my vest up. I pulled the bobble out of my hair and rolled my top up, tying it around the side to keep it in place.

"How are you so... chill?" Verne asked as he cleaned up the tattoo stuff.

"Well the tattoo was inevitable, so what's the point worrying? You just suffer twice" I admitted.

I didn't mind talking to them, after all I need to get to know some of them if I'm going to get out anytime soon.

"I like your thinking" Malachi said, giving me a flirtatious smirk.

"I don't like yours" I said back, but with a hint of wit to show him I was joking. I mean I wasn't, but he doesn't have to know that.

He just shrugged and grabbed my arm, pulling me back out into the bar area and up into my room. As he locked the door behind me I slumped down on my bed and stared down at the new ink that decorated my already scarred stomach. I was already self conscious about my weight, and now I have three stab wounds and a disgusting skull adorning my skin to top it off.

This wasn't the Tuesday night that I had originally planned, I'll tell you that.

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