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seven came around quickly and i'd got a shower to wash away all the emotions from the day. i was put up for adoption and adopted within ten minutes! and i couldn't have been adopted by a better family.

midge pulled my hair back into two french plaits and dressed me in some skinny black jeans and a pink vest top, along with my serpent jacket.

great.. i'm wearing pink.

"alana i'm so happy for you, you really deserve this family" m said, combing through my hair.

"thanks m, i know ive always felt like they were my family from the start. fp has always been my dad, without him knowing and my god if i didn't have you and jughead my life would be awful" i giggled, not knowing that the two men were outside my door, listening to the girl, that was finally happy talk about her new family.

"that's great, but if you ever need girly time. me and toni are on speed dial" she chuckled, finishing off the plaits.

"have you learnt all your lines for the play?" i grinned, thinking about my best friend as her dream role.

"yes, i finished yesterday! i hope it's good though" she said worriedly

"you'll be amazing m, you know it" i grabbed he hand over my shoulder and gave it a squeeze.

"and you are finally done, just put these on" she threw me some black leather converse shoes, that i quickly shoved on.

as if on cue a knock was heard through the trailer and i ran towards the door, opening it quickly. i couldn't wait to tell him that i was being adopted by fp.

i swung the door open to see sweet pea there wearing his usual all black get up.

"hey ally, you look beautiful" he smirked, glancing up at me.

"aw thanks, it's all down to midge" i giggled.

"come on" he said, grabbing my hand suddenly, and pulling me gently over to the bike which we left on immediately.

we arrived at a long stretch of road, almost desolate in comparison to the rest of riverdale.

we both hopped off, leaning against the side.

"i have something to tell you" i smiled, looking up to him.

"yeah?" he turned to face me.

"i'm getting adopted" his face dropped, thinking i was moving away.

"oh, where you going then?" he asked annoyed.

"it's fp he's adopting me!" i squealed.

"oh thank god, i thought you'd be moving away" he breathed, picking me up and spinning me around. we both laughed as he spun my small frame easily with his strong muscular arms. when he put me down we stared up at each other, leaning in and our lips touching. we made out, for the first time, and it was perfect. his hand gripped the back of my neck and waist, whilst now gripped his shoulders.

it began getting heated, him picking me up whilst i wrapped my legs around his waist and he sat me on the bike. the kiss got deeper and when we finally escaped for breath, he left small pecks on my lips.

"after that.. i'm so happy you're not leaving" he said, a smile playing on his lips.

"yeah.. me too" i breathed.

"so back to the motorbike lesson" he laughed.

"oh yeah, i'm really nervous you know. i know i'm a badass but this is intense for me" i laughed nervously.

"yeah, i was the same. don't worry it's even easier than riding a bike, just get your balance right and you're fine" he said soothingly.

"you sit in front, i'll go behind" he ordered, which i obeyed.

he leant forward, into my back and put his hands over mine on the handles.

soon enough we began riding, he'd get off and let me go so far alone, until i'd finally learnt how to drive it by myself.

"there you go, you're a quick learner!" he shouted as i drove down the lonely road, the wind rushing through my hair. i turned around and drove back to him as he clapped slowly at me.

i parked it and hopped off it, jumping around in circles, sweet pea ran from behind picking me up and spinning me around again.

when he finally plonked me down, we hopped on his bike and he drove to sweet water river. we sat on our jackets and instead of a cute picnic he pulled out two packs of beer, perfect.

we talked the night away, sometimes going over and dipping our feet in the river. i sipped my last gulp of beer, and leant my head on his lap, looking up at the stars that shone through the trees.

this had been the perfect way to end the perfect day.

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