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just another day at school.

how riveting.

but really it wasn't too bad, as we were nearing my birthday and although i never really had one, i have hope for this year.

i hadn't heard anything more from penny or the ghoulies, but i'm pretty sure malachi will make an appearance soon, so i'm keeping my guard up and sweets close.

i sat next to sweet pea, his hand gripping my waist comfortingly. his nose touched my neck as he left soft pecks on my skin lovingly.

"mine tonight? i'm buying chinese..." he whispered.

"count me in them duck pancakes are calling my name" i chuckled nudging his side.

"come over to the wyrm after though guys, someone's bought it we need to clear it up" fangs sighed.

"who!?" i asked shocked.

"an anonymous buyer" jug said slowly, and our gazes all drifted to miss lodge in the corner.

the perfect priss didn't notice that the back of her head had holes burning in the back of it from our fury.

"i never thought the word 'anonymous' could be so obvious" i sighed.

everyone laughed a bit, but it was bittersweet.

"come on let's chip, i have shit lessons anyway" sweet pea said and i agreed, rubbing outside swiftly and hopping my over the fence without any teachers seeing.


"it's so messy sweet pea what the hell" i laughed as we entered his trailer, cans and boxes littering the room.

"the guys came over last night and well, you get it" he chuckled, picking me up from behind and running into his room, throwing me onto the bed.

he straddled me and kissed my neck, pushing the flannel shirt over my shoulders and pulling my vest over my head. my hands found his neck and i pulled myself towards him desperately. i tugged on his shirt and pulled it over his head, messing his hair up in the process.

he left kisses on my stomach as he pulled off my jeans, which i reciprocated to him afterwards.


"i never want to leave" i moaned, snuggling into his chest.

"you don't have to" he said squeezing me close to his body.

"oh really" i laughed, grabbing his cheeks with my hand and pulling him to look at me, squishing his face up.

i leant in and kissed his squashed lips and i could see the corners of his mouth twitch in happiness.

"come on, i'm taking you to pops" he chuckled pushing me out of the bed, landing with a thud.

i rolled over and grabbed all of my clothes shoving them on quickly and slipping on my heeled boots that i left at his from a...previous night.

we hopped on the bike and drove away finally reaching the destination after about five minutes.

when we walked in however someone else was walking out, looking very depressed. dad.

"dad what's wrong?" i asked him, as he pulled off the hat.

"an anonymous buyer has bought pops a while ago, but they've started taking control... i lost my job" he sighed.

"are you serious! where is the bastard" i seethed.

"well funnily enough hiram popped in for a quick milkshake" he smirked.

"ah, perfect" i smiled sweetly.

"don't do anything stupid" he said, but i know he was only saying that to seem fatherly.

"i will" i smiled whilst pushing the door with my back, sweets following ...suite?

i walked over to his table and slid into the booth sneakily, mentally hoping that sweet pea would keep his distance as i didn't want him getting horny at my acting.

"hi sir" i said quietly, a slight sexiness about it. he shifted uncomfortably.

"yes miss mason?" he added, nodding.

"ah ah ah... miss jones thank you" i corrected, plucking a straw from the decanter and popping it in the shake.

he looked shocked but didn't hesitate to take a sip at the same time as me. ew what the fuck is this dude.

"so i was wondering how a girl could get money around here sir?" i asked flirtily.

this was all part of my plan... luckily i focussed in drama class.

"well we could come to some arrangement" he smirked resting his gaze over my face 'seductively'.

i ain't into this daddy kink shit.

i too took a sip of shake seductively.

"so you could come by tonight, the others are out so we can... arrange a proposition" he smirked.

"well i was going to ask for a job at pops, but i understand that you don't take too kindly to the jones family, do you.... mr anonymous buyer?" i smirked, pulling the straws from the cup.

i stood up holding the milkshake, and sat on the table.

"and this whole shit that just went on with me right now, i'll let you off this time, but this is your punishment for firing my dad" i growled, pouring the whole shake over his privileged self.

"i can not believe you have just done that" he seethed.

"you really don't know me then" i laughed, grabbing sweet peas hand and running away. on the way past i grabbed our takeaway order and rushed outside.

"that was amazing!" sweet pea enthused joyously, throwing me onto his back and spinning me around.

"celebratory sex?" he asked hopefully.

"why not" i rolled my eyes and we went home straight away to go for round 2.

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