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i ended up gripping fp's waist as he drove us back home.

"why were you so far out?" he shouted over the revving of the engine.

"i was leaving" i shouted back.

i just heard a grumble and he drove faster, the engine becoming louder with every twist of the handlebars.

when we finally arrived home only jug and sweet pea remained, sitting on the porch as jughead chatted to him. regret clouded over sweet peas expression, which quickly morphed into relief when he saw me hop off the bike.

he came over to me, arms open for me to magically forgive him and leap into his embrace like nothing had ever happened. no.

i held my hand up and slid past him, hurt evident on his face. i went straight through the door and didn't even remove my shoes or clothing, i just flopped into bed and stayed there until morning.


i awoke to the sound of water running and laughter, along with the familiar scent of bacon. ah, so here's where the 'making-up to ally' party starts.

jug walked in and plonked down on my bed.

"my lady we have an english breakfast and a wonderful bath set up for you" he mimicked a british accent and pretended to bow.

"oh so this is their apology?" i smirked.

"i think you could say that.. don't take it out on dad, he has his reasons" jug said, patting my leg.

"i'm sure he does, but you can understand why i got so angry" i nodded.

"of course" he said backing out the room, "oh and please sort things with sweet pea, he loves you; you know"

"i know" i rolled my eyes and swung my head back down to my pillow when he'd left the room.

i decided that i should face the guys; deep down just wanting the food.

i pulled off my boots and saw that the area around my ankle had bruised. angrily, i threw it at the wall and grumbled in pain. i rolled my eyes, leaning over to my old crutches and grabbing them, pushing myself into the kitchen.

"woah what this time?" fp asked, rushing over to my side.

"i hurt my ankle last night, when i was running home" i said, making sure to add the last part and make sweet pea feel guilty.

he stood up and came over, putting a hand on my elbow.

"a word?" he mumbled.

i just nodded and we went into the bedroom.

"i'm sorry about last night, you just weren't thinking about what you were saying and i wanted to escape. you wanted to leave ally, was that true?" he asked.


"no, just a heat of the moment thought i guess" i chuckled lightly, rubbing the back of my neck.

"i know you're lying, but you can't leave" he said walking closer.

"and why is that?" i teased.

"because we have good maple syrup in riverdale and-" he started but i shoved him back with my good foot jokingly.

"no i'm joking. but if you left i wouldn't be able to do this to you" he smirked, leaning down and kissing me passionately.

he pushed me back down on the bed and straddled over me, gripping onto my hip.

when we finally came up for air all i could say was "i forgive you"

he just laughed and leant back in, my hands wrapped around his neck and i played with his hair. we had a moment where we just stared into each others eyes longingly.

"i love you" i said sweetly, and he replied by kissing my forehead.

suddenly the door opened and in walked jug to ruin the cute moment.

"woah get a room" he complained, covering his eyes.

"we did until you intruded" i giggled as sweet pea rolled over to the side.

"anyway... breakfast is ready so finish whatever this was, but if your fifteen minutes i know what's going on and dad will not be happy" he smirked backing from the room cheekily.

i leant my head back down in realisation.

"dad huh, i'll have to get used to that" i sighed.

"yeah but if you think about it, he has been your dad forever really. he was more of a dad to you than martin" he added, and he was completely right.

"true, but i feel like all of my childhood has been wasted, think of how much fun i could have had living with jug" i sighed.

"but you didn't, don't dwell on the past babe" he said, being completely right again.

"right anyway, let's go get breakfast" i changed the subject.

"yeah sure" he said hesitantly, but obeyed.


breakfast went well. we talked and talked about how penny and fp had ended things almost as soon as she fell pregnant. apparently she told him that she would be having an abortion, but really she just wanted to end things with him and move on to another guy. she never had the abortion - clearly - but fp couldn't deal with the fact his child would die and they broke things off. he quickly moved onto jugheads mom, that's why we are such a similar age.

"i'm not mad at you" i admitted to fp, and i swear i saw a few tears prick in his eyes.

"i hope you understand the guilt that took over me. i was a coward, instead of staying with penny- making sure she kept you- i left. i was so lucky when i found out that you'd been adopted, but devastated when i found out who by" he sighed, shaking his head.

"it's fine. deep down you've always been my dad. you've been my mother and father for all of my life and i can't thank you enough for that dad"

his head snapped up, happiness swept across his features at the mention of his real title.


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