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everything was back to normal. well as normal as things could be with a broken foot and a dead best friend.

my ribs had healed, leaving a few bruises on my stomach. my scars had also closed up however the heart on my face wasn't budging. ever. it would be a reminder every day of my life of that night. although my foot was slowly healing, i still used crutches to get around which was starting to get very boring very quickly.

luckily the gang was back together, with all of the serpents back in school, which was a little bit trashed from riot night. whoops.

we all gathered in our classroom, the one that jughead told weatherbee that we'd be playing games in. how naive.

i leant against sweet peas shoulder, sat on the table lazily. jug was at the front and toni next to us.

"due to overcrowding, students that were transferred from southside high will be transferred" a booming voice echoes through the room.

"what? no that can't happen" i whined rolling my eyes.

"they're blaming us for trashing the school?" sweet pea growled, standing up angrily.

"well you kinda did sweet pea" jughead retorted, making the whole situation worse.

"whatever" he huffed. sitting back next to me.

the bell sounded and we all dispersed, me jumping on the back of sweet peas bike and resting the crutches over my legs.

my arms wrapped around his torso tightly and i could already sense the proud smirk he wore under his helmet.

we got to his trailer, where we immediately fell onto the sofa in a heap. he ended up on top of me, kissing down my neck and jaw, eventually meeting my lips sweetly. he began tugging on my waistband, pulling it down slightly. this is when i panicked and without knowing my arms had shoved him back.

"woah ally are you okay?" he asked worriedly.

"yeah i just- i can't sweet pea not yet i'm so sorry" i said embarrassed, my face flushing red. it was too soon, i didn't want to be reminded of them.

"no it's stupid of me, i wasn't thinking. do not be sorry alana, you take as much time as you need i'll still be here" he soothed, pulling me towards him and stroking my hair.

i ended up staying over at his and because it was saturday we basically legged in bed all day, watching netflix and drinking loads of beer.

"i was wondering if you'd tell me what happened that night" he began "but don't feel like you have to"

my head rested against his chest as it rose and fell, his heartbeat echoing through my skin.

"well, i stayed at the wyrm and they found me. malachi tied me up and wherever he was taking me meant that i needed around three men with me. then martin came, and the three guys, martin and malachi all... raped me. and then everything was a blur. i just remember him cutting my arm and then penny my face" i sighed, recalling every detail.

"wow. i'm so sorry i wasn't there ally i could have stopped this i could have done something-" he started but tears fell freely from his eyes, i pulled his head to my chest as he sobbed.

"hey don't you go soft on me sweet pea i'm fine now it wasn't your fault" i giggled lightly.

"it was, i told you to stay there ally. and i've failed everyone, even you"

"no. don't say that, never say that. you haven't failed anyone sweet pea. the only people that have been here for me recently, are the serpents. you are my number one serpent sweet" i said, partially lying as that would leave jug and fp but i couldn't say that.

he didn't answer, i just heard a sniffle and he rubbed his eyes.

"i love you ally" he looked up at me, his eyes red and puffy.

"i love you more sweet pea" i smiled, caressing his cheek.

we laid on the couch like that for hours, listening to each other breathing and glancing back and forth at the movie, not paying much attention to it.

he started kissing my neck from nowhere, rubbing my thighs with his fingers. i turned to straddle him and grasped his face eagerly with my palms. i needed to feel pleasure, and forget the last experience i had with sex.

he picked me up, my legs wrapping around his waist, and he took us to his room, throwing me on the bed immediately.

(i don't write that smutty shit sorry)


we awoke the following morning, wrapped up in each others arms comfortably. i looked up at his sleeping face, he looked so cute and innocent compared to his tough facade he wears during the day. i decided that i'd go and make us breakfast; so i grabbed my crutches and got to work.

i tripped every now and then, almost falling when i let go of my crutches. i'd got used to rebalancing myself though and used counters and the fridge to manoeuvre.

the bacon sizzled in the pan, spitting out oil at me as i flipped it. i cracked a few eggs into a pan and added some sausages into the oven.

finally it was all done and i poured us both some juice, i stumbled with a plate at a time to the table and almost dropped them down.

i hobbled into the bedroom and poked him with the foot of my crutch lightly, waking him immediately.

"huh what?" he said, sitting up and shaking his head awake.

"breakfast" i smiled cheekily.

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