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Before long, poor Archie had the whole of the serpent gang accumulating in his living room, which wasn't on mine or the Andrews' list of things to do today.

I insisted on staying upstairs whilst Archie tried to get them to leave. My mind was going crazy, and I don't know if it's some kind of withdrawal symptoms from the drugs or not but my stomach is going crazy with cramps.

Eventually, Betty convinced me to go downstairs and face them, so I decided it was probably best. After all, I did live with my dad and Jughead before the Ghoulies so I should probably go and sort things out between us.

As soon as I came downstairs, everyone's eyes were on me. The tension was so prominent, however when I caught the glance of Jughead I couldn't help it. Sadly, I rushed forward, pushing anyone away in my path, and jumped into my brothers arms. Tears poured down my eyes at the realisation that my best friend and brother was with me again after months of waiting. His arms created a protective barrier around me that I haven't felt in months, which made me instantly forgive him for everything that had happened.

"I'm sorry- it wasn't me, I don't know if it's true but Betty and Veronica and Archie think I got drugged and-" I rambled, but he stopped me by putting his hands on my shoulders and looking into my eyes.

"Don't be sorry. We know about the fizzle rocks, Archie filled us in. It's just so good to have you home, sis" He sighed, hugging me again.

"It's great to be home" I breathed.

It didn't quite feel real; I mean with the sudden change back to my old reality.

"Where's dad?" I asked, looking around with a confused glance, trying to spot our dad in the crowd of teenage serpents.

"He's coming soon, I think he had some things to 'settle' with Penny" He scoffed, but my heart dropped.

"We left him with the whole Ghoulies Gang alone?" I almost choked, my eyes widening.

"I'm sure he'll be- oh look speaking of the devil" He nodded his head towards the door and in came my dad.

We just kind of stared at each other for a few moments. I didn't want to run up and hug him like I had with Jughead, last time I tried that I got pushed over by Cheryl.

He walked over to me slowly, his gaze not leaving mine, until he reached me and scooped me into his arms.

"I'm so sorry" He sighed, and I could tell by the shaking of his voice that he was crying.

"This isn't your fault" I replied, mirroring the same shakiness in my tone.

"I've missed you so much, I didn't think you were coming back" He said as he put me down.

"I didn't think anyone was coming for me" I said sadly, looking back up at him.

"We tried, so many times we tried. I'll fill you in later, but just please know that however abandoned you felt you never were, we just never got close enough" He assured, and wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands.

"Excuse me" He nodded, walking away.

I was left dumbfounded. So they were trying to get me back then? It was all too overwhelming, and that cramping feeling was only getting worse. I went into the corner where nobody else was, and sat down alone. It's strange really, I've been alone for so long yet I can't think of anything more appealing at the moment than solitude. I could feel my chest tighten and my breathing begin to get shorter and shorter.

"Ally?" Archie came out of nowhere, sitting next to me on the sofa.

"I can't breathe" I panted, my breaths hitching.

"Just calm down, I think you're having a panic attack" He commented, kneeling down in front of me.

"Everything's too fast" I shook my head. I was talking utter nonsense, but nothing made sense to me either.

"It's okay, nobody else is in here you're fine" He soothed, rubbing circles into my hand as I breathed in and out slowly.

"I don't know what to do" I breathed, closing my eyes as my lip quivered.

Let's admit it, I haven't had the worst few years ever but they haven't been the best. First I almost got raped by my step dad. Then I got put up for adoption. Then I got adopted. Let's not forget about Midge being killed by the black hood. Oh and then being kidnapped by the ghoulies a first time and getting raped and scarred by them. Then nearly getting arrested for nothing. Furthermore, I quit the serpents and got stabbed three times in the same day. And finally we're here, kidnapped by the ghoulies for a second time with drugs involved this time. What an amazing high school life I've lived huh? Did I miss anything?

"You don't have to do anything. Just breathe" He nodded, trying to calm me down.

There was a knock on the door, and in came the boy that I really did not want to see at all.

Sweet fucking Pea.

"Ally we need to talk" He grumbled in his enticing deep voice.

"She's just trying to calm down at the moment, give us a second?" Archie asked really politely actually, despite their history.

"No, we need to talk Ally" He repeated.

The thought of talking to him now made my chest tighten again, but even worse. I couldn't face him after Malachi, not even if it was the drugs acting and not me.

"Not now" I forced out, but it was barely audible.

"So you'll talk to red over here but not me? I'm your boyfriend Ally" He growled.

This is when my anger burst out of me. It was an anger that came out of nowhere, and must have been bottled up after the months of not being allowed to set it free.

"You're not my boyfriend! We've both fucked other people! I said I need time so fuck off Sweet Pea! Fuck off!" I shouted, which created a bit of an audience.

He stormed forward, grabbing my wrist tightly and getting right in my face.

"Yeah you're right, we're definitely not together" He grumbled.

"Hey, get your hands off her" Archie ordered, and Sweet Pea dropped my wrist.

"We're so done, Mason" He spat as he left the room.

"It's Jones and you know it! Stop trying to piss me off! If you really wanna know I got drugged in there, that wasn't me fucking Malachi. I waited for you, I promise. You don't know what you mean to me, don't leave!" I shouted at him as I ran after him through the house.

People stared at us as we stormed around the rooms, until we eventually got outside.

He jumped into his truck when he got to the door and started up the engine.

"It wasn't me" I cried, tears pouring freely from my eyes.

"Then who was it?" He huffed, before rolling down the driveway slowly.

"Sweet Pea! Wait, please don't leave. I need you now more than ever. If you leave we'll never be the same you hear me?" I sobbed, holding on to his open window and walking down the driveway with the car.

He pushed my hands from the door and drove away angrily. This is it. My body fell to the floor in sadness.

I've lost everything.

The end.

Haha jk, Sorry.

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