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"milkshake? over his head!?" dad shouted at me, trying to appear angry.

"i know you don't care, i can tell. and he deserved it anyway" i slouched back into sweet pea on the couch, looking at the man before me.

"i don't really but you could get yourself into trouble, you know how powerful that man is" he sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"it's fine, dad. we can all get jobs somewhere, we're keeping this home" i said adamantly, hugging his side. his arms wrapped around me and kissed my forehead, but he just slipped on his jacket and left the caravan.

i sighed, resting against the sideboard in defeat with my head low.

i slumped around the caravan getting ready for school and when me and jug finally arrived i wanted to go home immediately.

every lesson was so boring: math, double science, english... the list went on, and was making me exhausted to think that i was only on my second lesson of science.

the school day took ages, with me writing a mere sentence in every lesson out of carelessness for the class.

it wasn't until we got to lunch that the drama really began. we all segregated around the table, me latching onto sweet pea as though i hadn't seen him for years.

"i. can't. cope" i moaned, hitting my head against his body with every word.

"it's only monday..." he laughed, grabbing my shoulders and pushing me back.

"exactly" i let out an exasperated sigh.

we continued our conversation until little miss prissy pants came over to "have a little chat".

we walked to the hallway and i wanted to kill myself... but put on a happy face for the lodge girl.

"so what's up?" i asked.

"i just wanted to clarify that daddy didn't single out yours, and there were quite a few people fired" she smiled.

"oh and that makes it better" i scoffed.

"no, but because there are jobs available you or jug could go for it. daddy said that he'd give it to one of you without hesitation" she giggled.

"oh aren't you and your father the very embodiment of god, how could i ever forgive you my most gracious saviour" i said sarcastically.

"let's not use the lords name wrongly" she smiled, but i could tell her blood was boiling. "anyway the offers there"

she began to walk away and i smiled, however had to compose myself when she turned back around. ew.

"oh and, no hard feelings about the shake you threw on daddy, he forgives you" she grinned, pulling me into a hug.

her hands roamed to my lower back, an area i only feel comfortable with sweet pea holding, but i let it slide as i didn't want to attack another lodge.

when she pulled back she sauntered away, her bag resting over the inside of her elbow.


a few more hours of school went by and we were all gathered around the lockers, slamming them shut as we threw in the last of our books.

"so where do we go now guys?" jughead asked.

"there's no wyrm, we need to find a new one. somewhere that we can call home" fangs sighed shaking his head.

"sherif minetta would never allow it, he'd shut it down right away-" i started but was interrupted.

"speaking of minetta" sweet pea said, motioning to the door with his head.

"here we go" toni sighed.

he swaggered over, a few other officers following behind him. they shoved past the others, grabbing my arms roughly and shoving me against the locker doors.

"what the fuck dude!" sweet pea yelled, resulting in him being shoved against one too.

i didn't even know what was happening, shock rushing through my veins.

"search her" he said.

i felt them searching all of my pockets until one of them whistled.

they lifted up a tiny charm bracelet and i instantly felt cuffs being snapped around my wrists.

"what? no i would never steal anything!" i cried.

sweet pea slammed his fist against the locker in anger as students watched on in the distance.

"take them away" they shoved us both from the building, and i just managed to catch a glance of the smug look on miss lodges face before we were thrown into the back of a car.

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