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"well it didn't take long" jug started, walking into the room along with fangs and sitting on the bed.

"what?" i yawned, rubbing my eyes and elbowing sweet pea.

"penny. she's back" fangs growled.

"and- and malachi?" i gulped.

"yep, the ghoulies too" just sighed.

i felt sweet peas grip on me tighten.

"how do you know?" he said gruffly.

"this" he seethed, turning around his phone so the screen was in my face.

it was a picture of me, all innocent and afraid. i had bruises and cuts everywhere and malachi was sat next to me, kissing my cheek. it was from that night. it read across the screen "she's next"

"next for what!?" i shot up.

my breathing began to get heavy and sweet pea had already wrapped an arm around my shoulders.

"don't worry nothing is happening to you, the serpents have your back" hug tried to reassure me.

"what serpents!? they're all gone because of me!" i shouted.

"they may be gone but it's not your fault at all. you didn't know" fangs added.

"i did know... malachi was calling me before it happened, but i didn't know it was him"

"what!?" sweet pea growled.

"he knows everything about me. he called me dipper and princess... he's always watching" i gulped.

"right we're leaving" sweet pea said adamantly, getting his stuff and shoving it in a bag.

"no we aren't going anywhere, we can't leave the others and fp" i pleaded.

"fine but if anything happens to you again i'll-"

"it will be my fault, you gave me he option to leave and i declined" i nodded.

"come on let's go get breakfast at pops" jughead said grabbing his jacket.

"okay let's get changed first" i giggled looking down at my pjs.

they left me and sweet pea to change and i just decided to put on black jeans and a vest along with a red and black flannel.

"no serpent jacket?" sweet pea asked, snaking his arms around my waist and leaving his chin on my shoulder looking at us in the mirror.

"no, the truth is i'm a little bit scared to be outside, and the jacket won't help" i spoke though the mirror.

"babe come on, we're here" he said kissing my neck.

"okay but i'm just going to leave it off today" i nodded placing my hand on his head as he kissed me.

we managed to get ready eventually and we made our way to pops meeting toni there, sitting in a booth and ordering our meals.

i went for pancakes and a milkshake, and it was absolutely gorgeous, well the parts sweet pea didn't steal anyway.

my guard was constantly up, every clink of a plate and open of the door sent my eyes shooting around the room, too scared to miss a ghoulie lurking in the shadows.

"don't worry babe they're not here" sweets whispered into my hair.

but they were here. i could tell.

"i'm just going to the bathroom" i excused myself and fast walked to the toilets.

i took one look in the mirror and saw the fear in my own eyes, knowing that i was being watched but not knowing where from.

i stood there for a few minutes, not sure as to who or why they were watching me.

all of a sudden the all too familiar ringtone sounded. the one used for unknown callers. my heart leapt from my body as i jumped from my skin, taking one look at the phone.

shakily i swiped across to answer and held to phone to my ear.

"knock knock dipper" i heard, but the voice could be heard twice.

once through the phone, and once through the cubicle door.

the exact door that i could see opening right behind me.

there stood penny, her smug smile painted onto her face.

i turned round nervously, gripping the sink with both hands.

"we have a lot to talk about dipper. i found something out that night, something i wish was fake but unfortunately for me it is not" she snarled.

"w-what is it?" i asked.

"oh you'll find out soon enough, i'm sure that fp would love to know" she smirked.

i backed out of the room and practically ran over to the lads.

"we have to go now- now!" i turned to run to the door but all i saw was people screaming and running from the diner.

cars lined up outside decorated with spikes and cages.

they were here, and we had no way out.

"now let's really get down to the confessions shall we" penny laughed, whistling to her men. they pulled in a disheveled fp, who was bleeding and bruised. the men grabbed us gang members one by one, throwing us down on our knees.

i hoped for his life that pop had made it out or had found somewhere extremely safe to hide.

funnily enough it was malachi that placed his wandering hands on my shoulders, pushing me down on the ground.

"come on fp... i think we have something to discuss"

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