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when i walked into the wyrm there was a heated conversation, i slipped in not even wearing my serpent jacket, but when sweet pea saw how cold i looked he took his off and wrapped it around my shoulders, the fabric hanging from my arms.

"thanks, what's going on?" i asked curiously.

"i'm sorry ally, i was just pissed about- well everything" he apologised.

"it's fine, we all react to things differently pea, but what's going on?" i repeated.

"penny and the ghoulies are back, working as one. one that wants to kill us all" he growled.


he just nodded.

"i just got a call" i heard fp announce, louder than the other guys.

"fangs didn't make it, he's gone" he said sadly.

tears instantly sprung to my eyes.

"fangs is dead?" jughead said, patting sweet peas shoulder, and walking over to the pool table.

"i was just there he was ...fine" i lied to myself, knowing he wasn't as tears began pouring out of my eyes.

"i'm sorry" fp said.

sweet pea was dangerously silent, probably not coming to terms with his best friends demise.

"we will mourn him, we will but first we will honour him what i just heard it sounds like we need to put it to a vote" he started "all those against going to war with the ghoulies"

nobody raised their hands, a strong unity evident in the group.

"and all those for giving them hell on the battlefield tomorrow" he added.

we all raised our hands in the serpent gesture.

all apart from jughead.

the riot was growing, with the ghoulies and fangs' release.


"what do we do?" i asked sweet pea, so nervous that there was a quiver in my voice.

"don't worry, we've got this and you're going nowhere near that battlefield. you promise me?" i nodded, despite wanting to be there to avenge fangs' death.

they all got ready to go, me staying at the wyrm all alone. sweet came over to me, along with fp and jug. they all hugged me goodbye, almost as though they were going to die. i kissed them all on the cheek, making them promise to only come home with a few scratches.

"stay safe kiddo, don't go anywhere" fp ordered, patting my shoulders.

"i won't, please be safe guys" i pleaded, they all nodded.

i pulled sweet pea in, kissing him forcefully as though it was the last time.

i pulled the jacket from my shoulders and gave it back to him, pressing my forehead against his.

"i love you sweet pea. you better not leave me" i said.

"you know i wouldn't do that" he replied, kissing my forehead before leaving behind the rest of the serpents.

suddenly the bar was very quiet, only a faint buzzing could be heard from the fridge.

i slumped down on the couch, playing on my phone, biting my nails as i counted the hours until their return.

a sudden ring knocked me from my trance. unknown.

i answered the call pressing it firmly against my ear.

"hello?" i asked.

"ah ally, you answered. you don't know what i look like do you? well you will soon! i saw your boys leaving and let me say they are not going to look like that when they get back i can assure you" malachi joked. it wasn't funny.

"where are you?" i asked nervously, my lip shaking and voice faltering.

"aw don't be nervous babe, you'll find out how nice i am soon enough"

"why are you doing this to me?" i asked.

"because like penny says, all snakes have a soft underbelly. and you happen to be just that to three of the main serpents. and you're really hot. i've been watching you, in your room, in your trailer" he said eerily, a shiver rushed down my spine.

"you're sick" i spat down the phone.

"babe, tell me something i don't know" he said cockily before ending the call, leaving me listening the three bleeps before silence.

i was left shaking, my hands quivering as i put my phone back. i walked towards the bar, trying to find something. anything that could keep them away, but i had no luck. my bare arms shivered, and i wished i'd remembered my jacket, cursing myself for it under my breath.

i was startled by the phone ringing again, making me shake my head before answering the call warily. tears were now pouring from my sore eyes freely, as i pressed the phone to my ear once more. i waited and waited for the voice to appear, for what felt like minutes but in reality was seconds.

all that could be heard from the other end of the line were two frightful words.

"knock knock"

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