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At The Office

" Thank you for joining our monthly General Assembly. " The assigned Emcee announced. " Now, let's start the party! " The Emcee said aloud.

The crowd are clapping and shouting.

" So, let's see. We will have a little spicy hot game today! Haha! It is just an appetizer before we have the main course, over there! " The Emcee said while pointing the corner for foods. " Haha! Just kidding, I just want to make you to move and groove a little, just to remove your stiffness. "

We are currently having our Monthly General Assembly. The usual routine, after the meeting there is a time for a non-work related activities for all the employees. This is an unwind time for the employees. A free time to move and to groove.

" Alright! Our game title is ' Catch Me, I'm Falling '. " The Emcee said in a sweet and sexy voice. " Am I now too seductive? Ha? " Then she laughed.

Mia tapped Luke. " What was that game? " She asked at him.

We are standing at the back since we came late, our team came late on the program that's why we don't have a choice aside from standing here at the back while the employees are sitting in our front.

Luke just shrugged. " I don't know. " He answered. " I thought it is already done. Do we still need to participate in the game? "

" Yes. We need to. Besides, we only need to give our few minutes on the game then after that, we can now leave. " Kathleen said. " Right, Derrick? "

Derrick just nod.

" So, let's start the game. Per team, should have two participants. Can you please proceed here in the front? Thanks! " She announced.

Mia and Luke looked at each other while pointing on each other.

" Okay, no need to worry. It's us. " Kathleen said.

" Oh, my God! Thanks, Miss Kath! " Mia said then she breathe hard. " Whew! "

" Haha! She's so nervous about the game even if she still doesn't know what it is. " Luke said. " BTW, thanks Miss Kathleen. "

She just nod then she tap Derrick on her side.
" Let's go. "

He look surprise. " What? Where are we going? "

Kathleen laughed. " Let's got in the front. We are the participants from our team. "

" What? Who said? " He looks like he is not agree with her idea. " Luke? Mia? "

" Oops... Sorry, Sir Derrick. We're not, not us. " They both said.

Kathleen laughed then she pulled his arms and drag him to the front. " Let's go. No more arguments. "

" Hahaha! Go Miss Kathleen! Go Sir Derrick! " Luke shouted.

" Go Miss Kathleen! Go Sir Derrick! Get the prize! " Mia said aloud.

Derrick just breathe hard. No choice! Man!

" Alright! So, you are now complete. " The Emcee said. " By the way guys, our prize for this game is a free trip for holiday! Yehey! Haha! " She announced.

The crowd clapped.

" Okay! So, here is the rule of the game. This piece of ice cube should be put on the other bowl before it gets melt. We have three stations here. The first station is the hanging obstacle wherein you should avoid the hanging balloons. The second station is the step obstacle wherein you should only step on the tile that has the color that was assigned on your team. And the final station, the third station is the zigzag obstacle wherein you should follow the zigzag trace. After these three stations, put the ice cube on the bowl. That is, if the ice is still there. Please note, a piece of ice cube must be hold by partners through their lips from the start of the game until the finish line. And one more thing, just to get it more spicy and hotter, we turned off the air conditioned in the room and open the heater instead. So, the faster who get in the finish line with an ice cube will win. " She explained.

" Whoa! This is so hard. " Derrick said.

" Yeah, right. " Kathleen just said.

" So, we have five teams here. Pick up on the box for what color will you get, this is for the second station. " The Emcee said.

All Teams have picked up their colors. And the color we got is 'Red'. And we're the last team to play.

" Okay let's start the game. The first team will play first. " The Emcee announced.

Yeah. This is a hard game. I can feel the heat even if I am just standing here waiting for our turn. Those partners did they best to finish the game even if the ice cube on their lips is too little to see. Funny, too difficult yet an exciting game though.

" Alright. The last team turn now. Goodluck guys! Do your best! " The Emcee said.

" Goooo Miss Kathleen! Goooo Sir Derrick! " Luke and Mia shouted.

Derrick just shrugged. " Whoah! Here it is. Our turn now. " He said.

" Haha! Let's do it. " Kathleen said.

We proceed in the front and put the ice cube in between of our lips. Our hands are both tied at our back. Then, the Emcee gave us the sign to begin.

" Go! " The Emcee said aloud.

We move in the first obstacle. It is not that hard since all we need to do is to avoid the hanging balloons. Though, we can already feel the heat cause of the heater. In addition to that, our nervous, the tension is also here. I can feel the ice cube is starting to melt. Kathleen eyes widened upon seeing it.

" Oh! The ice! The ice! Hurry Sir Derrick! Miss Kathleen! Hurry! " Mia shouted too loud.

" Hey! Easy! They can hear you! " Luke said.

Luckily, we were able to finish the first station. Then, we move in the second station. Whoah! The color of tile that we need to step in is Red. Two steps before it. Shit! This is hard.

I look at Kathleen's eyes. Start to nod. After I nodded three times we will step in the tile, both of us at the same time. She nod at me. I nodded three times then we step to the next tile. We did the same to the succeeding tile. I can feel my sweat is flowing on my face.

Mia shouted on us.

" ICE!!!!!! ICE!!!! The Ice is melting!!!! " She said.

Luke is only laughing beside her.

We are now in the last station. The zigzag obstacle. Shit! We are now too close. Her nose is now touching my nose. That means, the ice is now too thin.

" Hurry up, guys! You can do it! " The Emcee is cheering up on us.

We followed the zigzag trace until the end of it. Unexpectedly, the ice is totally melted upon we reached the end of the zigzag trace. Unfortunately, we were not able to put it on the bowl as what the rule should be. As a result, our lips met.

We were on that awkward situation when the door opens.

The lady guard came in. But, I was so surprise when I saw who's at her back. It was Hannah.

She stepped inside the room. She looks also so surprise upon seeing us.

" Hi! I-I-I-I j-j-just d-d-drop b-b-by t-t-to g-g-give t-t-this t-t-to y-y-y-you. " Hannah said in a stuttered voice. Then, she put down on the floor the box of chocolate cake and cup of coffee that she is holding. " I'm sorry to disturb the program. " She said in a low tone while her head is bow down then she left the room.

She ran.

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