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At The Photo Studio

"One!" I said aloud while counting on my fingers.

       "Two!" I said aloud again.

       "And, three!" I said again.

       Then, the customer pose a formal look while smiling a bit but still looking so professional.

       "Okay." I said then I look at the screen of my camera to see the shot.
         "Alright. One more shot!" I said aloud then I turned my look back to the customer. Then, I count on my fingers. "One, two, three and Pose!" Then I push the trigger button on my camera.

        Then, I raise my left hand. "Okay. We're done. Thank you! "

        Then, I walk to Mike.

       "Mike, please print this. The customer is asking for a passport size photo. Thank you!" I said to him.

       "Got it, Sir Benedict." Mike said.

       "And, Millie please get the payment. Thanks!" I said to her "And please handle the photo studio. I need to break for awhile. I'll be back in a short moment."

        "Yes, Sir Benedict." She said back.

        "Thanks!" I answered then I walk to the door.

       I went outside the photo studio to breathe some air. I stand outside the studio and leaned on the white-dotted painted wall near the door. I turned my look on my right side. I'm looking for something that I used to see always. Well, someone rather.

       I sighed.
       Breathe in.
       Breathe out.

       I look on the shop next to the photo studio. It is closed. It is still close. It was usually opens at eight-thirty in the morning and closes at nine o'clock in the evening. But, things had changed. I look at my wristwatch. It is already six o'clock in the evening. But, the Vintage Cafe is still close. Well, the Vintage Cafe is already close and that was the reason. I look at the Cafe from the floor up to its roof. Then, I look around, silence suddenly surrounds the place. I'm not used to it. It is so unusual.

      Before, customers were ran rushed to go to the Cafe. From the glass wall, you can see the lines of the customers. And from the glass wall, you can see how she served them, how she moved. I saw that. And, I missed it. I missed her laugh. I missed her smile. I missed her serious face. I missed her snob face. I missed all of her. The whole her. Then, suddenly she left without leaving a footprints.

     I sighed.
     Breathe in.
     Breathe out.

     I picked up my phone from my pocket. Still, there is no calls or messages from her. It has been over a month from the time I last saw her. That was the time she closed the Vintage Cafe. From that time on, I did not see her.

     "I'll try to contact her. Yeah, yes. I will try again." I said then I dialed her phone number.

     "Hannah! How-" I said upon she answered the call but I stopped from speaking when I heard who's on the line. It was the operator.

     "The number you have dialed is either unattended or out of coverage area. Please try call later."    

          I sighed.

       Then, I tried to dial the number again but the same answer is all I can hear.

       "Whew!" I said aloud. Then, I walk back inside the Photo Studio.

       "Mike, Millie! Did you tried to contact Hannah?" I asked them. I don't have a choice. Maybe they knew where she is.

       "Nope, we did not." Millie said. "But, I'll try to contact her now."

       "I will try it also." Mike said.

       "Yes, please. Thanks to both of you." I said to both of them.

       After a few seconds.

      "I was not able to contact her." Mike said.

       "Me too. I can't reach her." Millie said.

       I sighed.

       "Alright, thanks." I said. "Do you have any idea where is she staying right now?"

        "No, Sir. I don't know where is she right now." Millie said.

        "I don't have any idea also, Sir Benedict." said by Mike.

        I sighed.

       "Okay. Thanks!" I said then I started to walk to the door but I turned my back again to them. "Are you sure you don't-" I was about to asked but I can see it on their eyes that they really don't know. I sighed. "Never mind, thank you." I just said then I went back outside the Photo Studio.

       I sniffed the breezy air that blows to my direction upon opening the door. The wind suddenly blows coldness in the environment. I can feel it on my skin. I can feel the touch of the cold air on my skin. And, it is really cold.

      I sighed.

      I think, I need a walk.

      At this night hour, all I can see now is lights. Street lights. And of course, the bright stars in the sky.

     I sighed. I know that she only saw me as a friend, as a brother, or as a concerned citizen or maybe a regular customer.

      I turned up my head up in the sky.

      "Where are you?" I whispered.

      "How are you?" I whispered again.

      I was a bit surprise when I heard someone talked.

      "I am here and I am okay." The voice said.

      I turned my head up in my front to see who is that. Hannah?

       A smiling face that owned by a familiar person is what I saw.

      "Marie?" I said in a questioning tone.

      "Hi!" She said and she smiled a bit. "You look so.... busy... in starting on the stars in the sky."

      Then, I heard her laugh.

      "Well, I'm sorry for answering. You're just look like an idiot speaking alone in this... ah.. night." she said.

      I laughed.

     "I'm sorry. So, what brought you here? At this late night?" I asked her instead.

      She sighed. She's tired.

      "Well, I will just pick up the photos. Well, I was voluntarily to do it since I just had a meeting near to this place. Cost cutting." She said. "Actually, I was suppose to drop here earlier but the meeting just ended awhile ago, maybe a hour or a half-hour, as usual." She said while looking on her wrist watch.

      "I see. Let's get inside." I said to her.

      "Alright." She said.

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