Day 1

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I can hear my heartbeat in my chest, pounding, longing for oxygen. My feet pound against the hard pavement as I wipe the sweat off of my forehead with the back of my hand. The cool weather keeps me from getting too overheated. The sun begins to drift toward the surface, the clouded sky getting dark.



I can hear footsteps beat behind me, but I can see my house. I snake around the white fence that surrounds my front yard. After closing the gate as quickly as possible, I lock the gate closed with the latch. I back away from the gate and look up to see James smiling teasingly at me. He jumps over the fence, tripping. He falls to the ground, taking me with him in the process.

We begin laughing in the same rhythm, laying on the damp, cool, ice patched ground. I look up at the silvery sky before looking over at James, studying all of his features.

I look into his big, brown eyes; there are lines creasing beside his eyes, indicating that he was smiling widely. I look at his lovely smile, not perfect, but close enough to perfect for me. I run a hand through his newly cut, blonde hair. I lean in to give him a kiss, my hand resting on his muscular chest, but he speaks instead.

"Wanna know something?" He smiles and looks straight into my grey-blue eyes. I raised an eyebrow in suspicion.

"You are absolutely stunning. You know that, right?" I roll my eyes playfully at his statement.

"C'mon, babe. Your bright eyes, long, dirty blonde hair. That sun-kissed skin of yours." He leans in closer, brushing a stray hair back.

"Not to mention your sense of humor. The list could go on, I mean-" I interrupt his sentence with a soft kiss on his lips. I pull away as we smile like idiots simultaneously. I hear my stomach growling, realizing that he was being kinda cheesy. But I love cheesy.

"I'm hungry." I sit up, glancing at him with a pout.

"Chips and salsa?" I get up from the cool ground, and he does the same.

"I would love that." He pulls onto my hand, dragging me inside. As we enter the corridor, the warmth of the heated home surrounds me. Goosebumps that had pricked my skin on my arms fade away as I take off my jacket and rub my hands together. James places a soft kiss on the cool skin on my neck before we prep our snacks.

We heat up some water with tea bags in the microwave after we enter the kitchen. Unusual for April, it was chilly enough for warm drinks the past few days. But I know that Virginia summer is right around the corner. I snatch the food from the counter and walk into the living room, cutting on the TV. I plop onto the couch, and he sits beside me, wrapping his arm around me while he settles. I move closer to him to give him another kiss, but my twelve-year-old brother comes in and speaks up.

"If I had known you were getting all lovey-dovey, I would've dranken some bleach." He states flatly, looking at me with an unamused expression. I narrow my eyes at his dramatic statement. James looks at me with a mischievous smirk, passing me a pillow subtly. I throw said pillow at Jaspar, it hurdling toward him. He ducks before it reaches his face.

"Oh, shut up, Jaspar. I'm not the only person who has been caught kissing someone on the couch before," I respond with a sneer, making an unappealing face, mocking how he kisses. Before I know it, the same pillow that I threw flies across the room toward me. As it is about to make contact with my face, James catches it. My sigh of relief is short-lived, however, when James slams the pillow against my face.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now