Day 62.0

254 20 1

29 Days Later


I wake up randomly in the silence and in the dark. I check the time on a watch I found and see that it is two am. I've been waking up around this time for the past few weeks almost every night.

It still feels surreal to me sometimes. Even weeks later. Not being able to cut on the light when I go into a room. I yawn, running my hands through my growing and dirty short hair. I normally wouldn't let it grow this long. It is still short, just not as short as what I'm used to.

Amber and I previously decided to share one of the rooms because there are only four rooms in the house. I let my legs dangle as I put on my boots. I quietly step my feet onto the cool wooden floors. I pull up the loose pants that were falling around my hips. They used to fit. I put on my black jacket and grab my small hiking bag.

I walk over to the window and look through to the night sky. I walk towards the door and try to open it but it creaks slightly. I go back to the window and open it. A blast of warm air is blown into the room. I look down and see the top of a hangover for the deck. I crawl out, my legs dangling and my arms holding me up in the windowsill. I hang from my arms and my feet are barely able to reach the top of the roof.

I crawl to the deck and walk into the direction of the woods. Before leaving the clear yard, I take my knife out of my bag and hold onto it tightly. I walk away from the home till I find some woods. Instead of the main road, I think to go through the woods for safety precautions.

The fallen leaves crunch under my feet as I walk through. I look around after hearing a noise. I go in the direction of what sounds like a snarling chewer. The noise stops. I look back to realize that I have gone far into the woods and that I can no longer see the clearing.

I feel a lump forming in my throat and my mouth gets dry. I stay still in my current place and look around for where the noise had come from. I don't see anyone. As I stand there, I feel someone's weight land on my back. I struggle but push the person against the tree behind me. I hear a feminine grunt.

She detaches from me and pushes me on the ground from behind. I groan in pain but get up nonetheless. I turn around as soon as I stand up and I punch the mystery girl in the face. She knocks my knife out of my hand with her own knife, slicing my hand in the process.

"Shit. God dammit." I grab onto my bleeding hand. In my point of weakness, she pushes me to the ground. I fall straight on my back and get the wind knocked out of me. I grit my teeth in pain. The girl pins me to the ground with her knee and pushes her knife barely against my neck so that blood will barely trickle down my neck.

"The more you move, the more blood will pour," she says cynically. I feel like I recognize her voice. I barely am able to make out her face.

"Cate," I say with spite. I try to reach for my knife but she sees my arm move over.

"Hey, don't even try that. Are you that stupid?" I take this chance to move my other arm to my bookbag. She slices the knife up my arm through the jacket and I squirm in pain. The bookbag is already slightly unzipped so I put my hand through, taking the gun. I slide my arm back to my side. "I could kill you right now if I wanted to. But I think I'd rather see those creatures tear your flesh apart.

"And I could kill you right now if I wanted to," I reply, swiftly pressing my gun against her temple.

"Fair play. But you didn't turn the safety off. You wouldn't kill me. I can see your hand tremble. Now, if you point that gun away from my head, then I'll keep my knife away from you."

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now