Day 23.0

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"Okay, everyone... We should probably leave fairly soon because I don't like how it feels here. I'm afraid that something bad will happen if we stay. Like those men again," I speak to the three sets of eyes staring at me.

"And you can not be alone, always be with another person. That goes for you too, Axel," I say sternly, placing my hands on my hips. "I wouldn't want a repeat of the other day." I raise an eyebrow, resulting in him giving me a knowing look. I roll my eyes.

Day 20

I wake up, the early sun peeking through the window of the room. It feels warm and all I dreamt of was James. His eyes and his smile and his hair and his face. Just everything about him.

I get out of bed, preparing for another long day. I go into her room and see that she is still sleeping soundly. She probably needs the sleep after what she has probably been through with those men. I shudder at the thought of the person I shot. I didn't kill him, but with the infected everywhere, I knew he would end up being dead anyway.

I go to Axel's room to check if he was awake. When I walk in there, he isn't there. I just figure he is downstairs, so I bustle down there, but there is no sign of him. His bag is gone and everything.

Don't tell me he left. He couldn't have. I need him. I really do. I don't think I can survive without him. He has killed the infected. I can't sum up the guts to do the same. I will die in this if I'm alone. I can't protect her alone. He can.

Tears begin to prick my eyes. I just hope that he will be alright, especially with his wound. I decide to listen to the radio to see if there are any updates. Cable has been dead for a while, now. Thoughts raced through my brain. What will they do with people like those men? What about the infected people? Will I be prosecuted if I kill one of the infected? What would they say about the man I shot in the leg? I suppose either would be self-defense, but still. 

When I listened to the wind-up radio, the only thing that plays is: "The following message was transmitted at the request of the Virginia National Guard. Civil authorities have issued a warning for the Virginia commonwealth area. At 5:43 am on Sunday, April 14th, 2019 the state of Virginia issued a warning of the outbreak of a highly contagious virus. The center of disease control has published guidelines to follow to avoid contact with infected persons and to contain the virus. Symptoms of the virus include fever, nausea, heat flashes, excessive sweating, hallucinations, loss of coordination, confusion, and aggressive behavior. It is strongly advised to avoid any persons who possess any of these symptoms. The Virginia National Guard has formed a safe haven in the Richmond Coliseum, the Richmond Diamond Flying Squirrels Stadium, and in the surrounding areas. All uninfected persons may stay in the following safe locations and in their homes until more information regarding this virus is known. All bitten persons may report to their local hospitals for further care until treatment."

They are just asking for people to die in these hospitals. They have been sending the same message for over two weeks now. It is sick. The broadcast continues to repeat the same message.

"Axel needs to he-" I start saying, forgetting that he left. He just used me to fix him and then he left. He left me to die and return as those creatures with this little girl. I shouldn't have trusted a guy I haven't really known for close to ten years.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now