Day 4

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It has been two days since the lockdown was put in place. I didn't even think it was allowed to keep teachers and students here this long. It shouldn't be allowed. We all have families at home, and I'm sure there are people at home who have to rely on many of the teachers. Kids, other people needing care. I wouldn't be surprised if some teachers will end up suing.

The teachers have been making the girls sleep in the gym, and the guys sleep in the commons. I guarantee that there are plenty of couples sneaking away to do what many teenagers do and guys leaving the rooms at night to mess around and pull pranks. They've also since given up on making us go to our normal classes, so now they're just having us alternate between teachers throughout the day. Everyone looks exhausted and over it, making me wonder how much longer everyone will deal with this nonsense.

People are starting to get cabin fever and are really worrying me. It's only a matter of time until everyone loses it; there are already students throwing scissors and random stuff at the glass doors, trying to break the glass. I look outside, longing to see my parents and little brother again, only to notice a crowd of people slamming into the glass, snarling and scratching at the glass and causing it to squeak unpleasantly. Almost like they are in a trance or on some sort of drug.

I pick at my fingers as I turn around in search of my boyfriend. Surely he hasn't gone too far. Rumors have been traveling amongst the student body that we are already running out of food. I fear that it's only a matter of days before all hell breaks loose in here.

I scan the hallways, finding my boyfriend and Axel talking to each other in a locker crook. I stand nearby them, just barely out of sight as I try to understand what they're talking about. James stood over Axel slightly, his body angled toward the wall.

"I'm worried, man. This isn't like the flu. This is different. And we've gotta keep her safe. I swear, if something happens to me, you need to be there to protect her. No matter what. If you let something happen to her, and I'm not there, believe me, I will know, and you won't rest easy. Is. That. Understood?" James presses Axel against the lockers, balling up Axel's shirt in his fist. I make my way around the corner.

"James?" He lets go of his grip and steps back.

"Don't speak like that. Nothing is gonna happen. This whole thing will pass, and we will be able to graduate from high school and university, and we'll spend our lives together. I'll be okay," I say, scrunching my brows down deep in my forehead. James eyes soften when he makes eye contact with me. Axel swallows, fixing his shirt. My boyfriend makes his way over to me, welcoming me with his warm embrace. I melt into his arms and hug him like it is the only thing keeping him with me.

We let go, James engulfing my hand with his own. Axel joins us as we walk down the hall. I stay glued to James' side, seeking comfort in the warmth he brings. Many of the people we pass look dejectedly into space, or on their phones if they still had juice.

"Hey baby, do you think we're running out of food?" I ask despite knowing the answer, my voice sounding little. I tug on his hand, bringing him to stop. He faces me and puts his hands on either side of my face. one thumb rubbing softly against my skin.

"It doesn't matter, I'll make sure you'll get food." He pushes a strand of hair behind my ear and kisses my forehead, his lips lingering over my skin for a moment. I look up at him with a weak smile, caressing his cheek. He smiles widely at me in return.

"Kay, princess?" I nod, his little nickname for me leaving the pit of my stomach warm.

"Ahem," someone grunts audibly, my mind already knowing who it is.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now