Day 73

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"Let's get going, guys," I say, hauling my backpack on. It is considerably heavier with all the ammo Amber managed to snag with Mason. The man, Thomas, was also uncuffed. I didn't agree with it, but Mason and Amber said they trust him, so I allowed it. 

"We're gonna have to find another car. The battery's dead. I did manage to find another atlas of America with all the state's maps," Hank says, taking his cap off and wiping his sweaty forehead. We begin our march toward the trailer park.

"It's egg-fryin' hot out here, I swear. Maybe we can find some chickens on the way. I love me some fried eggs," Thomas chortles, looking around at everyone. I give him a deadpanned stare. 

"Please stop talking about food, Tom. I haven't eaten since breakfast yesterday," Jackie complains irritatedly.

"I'm just tryna make the best of things here. I got these bruises and a couple a'cuts, but you don't see me cryin'," he responds. It is so tempting to add a couple more bruises. 

"Let's check the trailer from before for food. I also need to grab the stuff I left," Amber says, jogging over to the trailers. I watch her pick up her stuff which was miraculously still there. I walk up to the door of the trailer home carefully to find the door open. I pull my knife out and enter slowly. The first place I went to was where the food was stored. I curse under my breath. 

"Amber, the food is gone," I yell, running my hand through my hair. "Oh, shi-" I begin to wrestle with a fry-brain. I drop my knife in the process of fighting it off. I continue to make struggle noises as I fight it. I grab onto its hair and pull it toward the kitchen, it still clawing at me. I yell, pushing its head onto the countertop. I bang its head four times before it goes quiet. I spit on the remaining gush. I sprint outside when I hear a gunshot. I shoot two before pushing everyone out of the area.

"The gunshots from yesterday attracted more. We've gotta go," I say assertively, pushing Amber and Jackie's backs forward. I pick up Meredith and start running forward. I continue running forward. 

"Axel! Slow down... it's too hot for you to be running like this. Stop!" Amber yells, running up to me.  She puts her hand on my chest, so I stop. I look her in the eye. "Stop." She looks back at me, her breath heavy. I look around where I'm at. I look back to see if I can still spot the trailer park but it was far off. Did I really run that far? I glance at everyone to see many of them panting for breath. 

"You're being stupid. Drink the water," she adds, pushing a bottle into my chest. She walks forward. I open the water and down a quarter of it. 

"There's a store up ahead. If we can get to it, there should be some trucks there," Thomas says out of the blue, pointing forward. Around ten minutes later, we make it to the store he was talking about. I let Meredith back on the ground. I walk up to the store and look through the glass. The plastic makes it hard to see in. I knock on the glass. I jump back at a fry-brain slamming against the glass.

"Jesus," I mutter softly. I open the door carefully, it falling into the pavement. I stab into its head with the knife. "Hate those things." I kick it in the stomach. I enter the building cautiously. I make a bird-sounding whistle. Nothing comes my way. Everything in the shop was cleared. I kick the empty shelf in frustration. 

"We've got a truck. It's time to go." I jump into the back of the truck and hit the side. I look to the side as the truck speeds up, the trees blurring. We made a pitstop to find gas at some abandoned place to find another car or more gas. We ended up splitting the group between two cars. The truck comes to a halt again. 

"Why the hell are we stopping again?" I jump out of the back of the truck. 

"There's should be some food at the church. I saw a sign for a food drive. And we're out of gas already." Jackie says, patting me on the back. "To think it's the apocalypse that's made me go to church." She chuckles. 

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now