Day 24

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I wake up to warmth near me. I open my eyes to see that Axel's arm had made it's way over my side. I crane my neck to face him, looking over his expression. He has a straight face as he breathes steadily and rests. My throat feels tight at our proximity and how his body is pressed against mine. I squirm out of his grip on me. I place his hand delicately on the bed, being sure not to wake him.

I get out of bed and feel the warmth I felt go away. I remember when James and I fell asleep on the couch together. So many countless times.

James and I are walking down the sidewalk. The pavement is hot from the summer beams of the sun. He is shirtless because of the heat. I'm just in shorts and a t-shirt. We hold hands as we walk to his house. We always go on walks. It's kind of our thing.

We hurry into his air-conditioned home to sit on the couch and watch a movie. "Ah, it feels so much better in here. I would die without air conditioning," I say over-exaggeratedly.

James laughs that wonderful laugh of his. I can see his muscles contract and release as he laughs. "Wanna coke?" he asks. He goes into the kitchen and grabs two cokes for us. He goes to the corner of the couch as usual, and I cuddle up next to him. "Cheers! To the end of eleventh grade and the close start to senior year," I say as we clink our cold coke cans together. We watch a movie and fall asleep, cuddling together. His body warmth warning me up from the air conditioning that previously cooled me off.

I walk down the steps and go into the kitchen. When I enter, Jackie is sitting on one of the chairs. "Enjoy your beauty sleep with your boyfriend?" Jackie nags.

"He is not my boyfriend. How many times do I have to say this?" I sit in a chair near Jackie.

"You guys act like you're dating. I left the bed because it just felt awkward with all three of us in the bed together, I ended up sleeping on the couch," she says, fidgeting with her fingernails.

"Well, next house we stay in, if possible, we will share a bed and he will have his own bed," I say, rolling my eyes. We continue to chatter about random things. I see Hank peer into the room.

"It's real nice seein' y'all young girls gettin' along. Especially since y'all look like total opposites." We ponder in silence for a moment. "By the way, you might wanna go upstairs to the girlies' bedroom, there is a real funny sight to see there," he says in amusement.

Jackie and I give each other a weird look and we get up and go upstairs. We walk into the room that Meredith is in and we look around. We see her on the floor near the dollhouse with Axel and he is playing with a princess barbie. He's also shirtless and in a pink tutu.

"So.. I guess your true self is shining through for the apocalypse, huh?" I tease.

Axel turns around suddenly and pulls the tiara and the tutu off and behind himself. He ruffles his medium cut hair which falls on his face and looks away. I see his face start to turn pink.

"Are you trying to hide blush? Awe, this cutie is embarrassed," I say in a teasing voice. He glances up and the blush is faded.

"Did you, the one and only Amber, just call me, Axel McKay, cute?"

"Hey! There are other Amber's in the world," I protest.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now