Day 67.0

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It's the afternoon of another day. Another day in this hellhole called life. One day after the other. Constantly I'm lead to the question of when. When will this end? When will I break? When will time catch up to my fatigue?

We are starting to run low on some supplies, so we've decided to make a supply run. I suck in a deep breath between my teeth. We decided that Hank, Jackie, Cate, and I will go put while Willie and Amber stayed with Meredith. Primarily because I don't trust Cate alone with her and I don't trust Willie being alone either. Willie isn't alright mentally right now and Amber is good at caring for others.

It's like it is in her blood to be caring and sensitive, which is good and bad. She truly cares about the little family we have all formed together.

I go and rummage through my bookbag to make sure to have available 9mm ammo in a magazine, some food, and water. I take my Glock and colt and make sure the magazine is full before I snap it in. I take my leather jacket off of the dresser and throw it on. I tie my converse shoelaces tightly and head downstairs.

I meet up with everyone else around the kitchen table and place hands on the table. I lean on my arms. "So, where are we headed?" I ask Hank, looking in his eyes.

"Uh, well... we are goin' up into Virginia. It's norm'lly a thirty-minute ride, but we ain't takin' no main roads. There's a Food Lion and a Kroger. They're the clos'st to me. Fifteen-twenty minutes north is Virginia Beach." I look at Hank with hesitance in my eyes. "It's the best bet we got at any real food."

I respond. "Let's do it."


We travel down an abandoned road, any trash being blown away by my truck passing by. We see some fry-brains eat away at what looks to have been a dog of some sort. It's frankly sort of funny because they are all wearing golfing clothes. I know I shouldn't find that funny, but I do. They must be from the nearby golf course. We approach what looks like some civilization again, but there is more of an eerie feel about it.

We pull into the shopping area where there are surprisingly barely any fry-brains. I jog up to one and take my knife out. I rush to the creature which has an appalling green-colored hair. They must've dyed their hair when they were still a person. Its mangled jaw tries snapping at me as I get closer. I slit the knife across its throat and Hank stabs it in the head through its ear. The thick, goopy blood leaks out of the side and neck. 

We move closer to the entrance, watching out for more fry-brains getting close. Trucks approach at the speed of lightning and men sit in the beds of the trucks.

Bang. Bang. Bang. Bang.

Bullets fly astray all around us. "Get down, everyone," I yell at everyone. I push Jackie down and land on top of her. I catch Cate shooting a glare at Jackie for some reason. "You good, Jackie?" I whisper to her. She nods reassuringly. We slowly get up and look around, searching for the people that did that. A small group of the fry-brains march towards us as if they're following a commander's orders. "We can take them." We recollect ourselves and stand ready to attack. I grasp one by the shoulder and stab it right in the forehead. Blood splatters on my face as I pull the knife out of the head. 

I take down another one. More shots are fired and the bodies drop down. I hear a shout from Jackie. She grabs onto her shoulder and collapses onto her knees. "Goddammit, they got my shoulder." Blood seeps through the crevices of her left fingers. The door cracks open into the store, and I hear an unfamiliar voice speak. 

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