Day 70.3

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"So, have we come up with a set plan now, guys?" I ask, placing my hands on my hips. I raise an inquisitive brow. Meredith nuzzles her face into my side.

"Um, well, we're gonna walk down this road and try to get into the closest house and keep cover and situate what we have. Tomorrow, we'll send a group of us to scout the area," Axel replies, placing a sturdy hand onto my shoulder.

"Are you sure about this?" I respond, gripping onto his forearms tightly and facing him. "What about this gang that might be here. I don't want anyone in our group to get killed. Not a single person." His hands slide down my own hands, so I give his hands a little squeeze.

"I'll make sure nothing happens. To any of you. I'll keep you safe, Amber," he says as he looks directly at me with his dark blue eyes.

"Alright, take only what we need, everyone. We will siphon gas and then we will be on our way." After getting everything we could take and after getting the gas, I begin to walk forward.

"We're moving out, everyone." I point two fingers down the road and we head off.

After about a fifteen-minute walk, we approach a small, white home with a screened-in porch. It makes me think of what could've been. I just think of the home that I used to fantasize about getting once I graduated from college. James always wanted a home in the countryside with white siding and a well for us to get water in, along with a screened-in porch. We always argued about what color the siding would be. I always wanted pale yellow siding. We'd always make it up after those small arguments. Of course, most of them weren't serious. We made Pinterest boards for everything. It was kind of our thing.

I grasp onto my stomach, wishing for him back. Even just to touch his hand again would be everything. I just want something from my old life back. One of my brothers. My father. Mother. Even my brothers' fiancé.

"Yo, Ambs. Earth to Amber." Jackie shakes her hand in front of me.

"Willie is going in with Axel. I was gonna join, but you definitely wouldn't let me." She scrunches her nose before grabbing onto her shoulder.

"I'll join them."

We don't need anyone el-"

"I said I'm joining them," I repeat through my gritted teeth. I jerk my shoulder, resulting in her backing off. As I grow closer to the home, I feel my anxiety rising. I find a brick that was laying on the ground, so I pick it up. Axel and Willie enter, so I hurry behind them. Axel whistles a bird-sounding noise. We wait, and when nothing comes crawling, we enter fully.

I grip onto the rough edge of the brick, ignoring the pain coursing through my hand. I look to either side of me. I creep through the house and cautiously make it to the pantry. I hold my breath before opening the door.

"The pantry is clear." I really didn't want a repeat of that one house.

"Bathroom is clear," says Willie. I begin to rummage through everything in the kitchen to find only a couple of cans of Vienna sausages. I scrunch my nose at the unpleasant scent wafting through the air.

"Oh my God!" Axel sputters. I drop my bag and run over, removing the gun from my waistband. I run in the direction of his voice. I enter the bedroom. The odor that hits me when I enter is absolutely horrendous, resulting in me gagging. When I look up, I take a step back and cover my nose with my sleeve. I see what resembles a mother with one arm wrapped around a child and her boney fingers loosely clutching onto a cross necklace. If it weren't for the barbie that was still loosely on the inside of the fingers, I wouldn't have known the gender. There were maggots all over the bodies and their bodies look to be dried out. I examine the rest of the room, and my eyes land on another decomposed body. Flies buzz through the room, the sound almost deafening. On the beige wall, the words 'Dear Father, please forgive us,' is drawn out in dried blood. Water begins to swell up in my eyes.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now