Day 30

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"Now everyone." Hank paces in front of the five of us as he speaks. We decided to drive out some and to set up a makeshift shooting range to practice a little bit. There were trees all around us and Will and I set up cans hanging with string from the trees.

"Gun saf'ty is very important. And you should always make sure you use the gun correctly and on'ly when necessary," Hank says with ease, looking at Amber in particular with weary eyes. Hank hits a can, causing it to sway and just as quickly he shoots, hitting the can. Wow, I never realized how loud a gunshot really is. Usually when it is used it is in the spur of the moment so I don't pay attention to it.

"Let's not waste bullets on me practicin', I'm good," says Will dully. A ping of his more southern accent stands out for a moment. Will takes two shots on the slightly swaying can and makes both shots. He glances at his dad. Hank nods him off. He walks by me before leaving.

"Good luck, second-string." He smiles and licks his lips. "Try beatin' that," he says with narcissism. He chuckles and pats my shoulder like I'm some kid.

"Oh really? You wanna try me?" I snap back in an almost yelling voice. "You think that just because I'm a high schooler that I'm not as strong as you?" I march over to one of the cans and all five sets of eyes follow my hefty walk. I hit the can as hard as I can and then I walk further away than Will did.

I fix my sight onto the moving can and aim before putting my finger on the trigger. I shoot it three times with my favorite gun. It is a silver colt SAA CO2 pellet revolver. "Beat that," I rub into his face. I tuck my gun into the waistband of my black skinny jeans. I walk over to Mere and take her hand. Will walks away in disappointment? Jealousy? Anger? Hank glances at me is questioning and I just shrug my shoulders.

"Damn, son. Didn't know you had that much aim, Axel boy." Hank smiles and walks over to pat my shoulder. I glance beside me and to Hank. I give Hank a smug smile and then I wink to Amber. She sharpens her eyebrow raise and puts her hands on her hip again. I then smirk at her reaction. Jackie goes over to her and whispers something inaudible.

Hank continues to jab on about guns and different types and how to use them. Afterward, I let go of Mere's hand and help her to aim to one of the cans. "Now, relax," I tell her. She breathes in and out heavily a few times. "Press down when you're ready," I add. I put my hands on the small child's shoulders and she narrows her eyes. She pulls it and a loud bang noise erupts in the woods, her whole body moving back. The bullet goes shy of the can but she still gets it close.

"Good work, Mere. A few more times and you'll be perfect," I say, smiling.  I ruffle her hair and we practice a few more times. Meredith doesn't talk much, she is a quiet girl. It worries me sometimes but it could just be because of the trauma.

By the fourth time, she hits the moving can. By accident, or not, I'm not sure. She probably just got lucky. Amber watches the whole time and walks over to me, smiling. "So, she's getting the hang of it?" Amber asks, resting her hand on the back of my shoulder.

"Yeah, I bet she's better than you even," I say with devious eyes. She smacks my chest and I rest my elbow on her shoulder, silently making fun of her shorter height. "Are you going to prove that you are better?" I challenge her, speaking into her ear and putting my hand on her shoulder.

"Fine. Hit the can so it is swaying again."

"Okay, boss lady," I mumble and jog over and hit the can. I check with Mere to make sure her safety is on and I go back to Amber.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now