Day 25.0

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We arrive near the city in the early morning. It had to be around midnight or one in the morning when we arrived. We had to take back roads because there were many highways and main roads that were backed up. The idea of the roads being void of living, most places abandoned, was still an unfamiliar idea. The burial was a setback, but we made it, nonetheless.

You couldn't even see the wave of your hand in front of you due to how dark it was. I looked out where the city skyline would usually shine, but saw nothing. The city was dark. We sit in silence in the bed of the truck. Axel's motorcycle rests against the side of the truck steeply. Hank relaxes, leaning against the front side of the truck bed. Meredith lies against Jackie's side, Jackie's arm resting around the young girl's shoulders. I yawn, my head feeling heavy as it falls onto Axel's shoulders inadvertently.

"Y'all kids rest, I'll keep up," Hank tells us, the low glow of the moon outlining his figure.

"Me too," says Axel. "Something could happen overnight," he reassures. I sigh disapprovingly, sitting up and facing Axel. The moon shone on the right side of his face. 

"No. You gotta rest. That stab wound of yours isn't gonna heal itself and with all of the moving around- it hasn't healed properly." He tries to begin to protest but I speak more.

"You haven't been getting enough sleep, Axel. You won't be any good weak when killing those things. You're the strongest out of us all." I can feel Hank glaring at me from my comment. I roll my eyes and continue. "You're lucky we haven't run into worse problems." I look Axel in the eyes, my eyes heavy with worry.

"Listen to the blonde, Ax. Stop being stupid," Jackie interrupts as she gestures to me. "I won't be sleeping tonight anyway." Jackie sounds annoyed as she speaks.

"Oh-kay." He sighs. The little girl and the two of us go into the front of the truck. I proceed to the drivers' side and Axel and Meredith move to the passenger side. I sigh audibly when I am able to relax, looking in their direction. The seat is set back, the small girl settling her head on his chest. I smile at the sight.

Axel places his leather jacket on her small body due to the frigid temperature. She slips into a deep sleep quickly, holding onto her teddy bear. He glances at me for a moment, nudging my arm lightly.

"Don't worry 'bout me," he whispers, his eyes wondering. He rubs his face, falling asleep soon after. I turn my head to face the ceiling of the truck, thoughts swirling through my head. I am slow to sleep, the last thought in my brain being my brothers and parents. God, I hope they're safe.


I wait in silence for the three of them to leave to the front. I get on the roof of the truck, improving my line of sight. I look out to see my surroundings and then grab the rifle with the scope. I look through to see if there is anything fishy. I finally put the gun down and just look around. There are a few people awake at this hour and there are military men guarding the road barriers far up ahead. A mother sings a lullaby softly to her young daughter. I look down and see Hank looking out into the woods on the right.

"Hey, Hank, I have a question." He redirects his attention to me, a moment of silence sustaining. I scratch the back of my neck. "Um. How do you cope with loss?" My voice comes out more withdrawn than I meant for it to.

He whispers back. "Well, honestly, I don't. I just ignore it. When you lose as many people as I have lost, you learn to not think about it." He goes into his backpack and grabs a pack of cigs and a lighter. He pulls a cigarette out of the box and puts it between his lips on the side of his mouth. "After some time, I learned to let off some steam when I became so bottled up, ya know? It got so bad one day that I just blew it on my therapist. I would just scream, and hit, and punch." He lights it. I put my hand out for a cigarette. 

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now