Day 72.1

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"I'm thinking that they have an armory of some sort here. Especially since this place seems to be their headquarters," I tell Mason as we walk toward the door. "It's locked from the outside." He kicks the door angrily. 

"How are we gonna get out now?" I check my newly acquired gun to realize that it has a silencer on it. How practical. I aim my gun for the knob and fire, the shot now quiet. The knob flies clean off. 

"That's how." I send a genuine smile his way. He gives me a fist bump. "I could get used to having you around. You're fun." 

"Axel better look out," he whispers. I roll my eyes at his comment. I don't blame him for his jokes, though. He's fourteen; his jokes could be worse. I put my fingers up to my lips and signal him to go left. After going through the rooms upstairs, we hurry downstairs. 

I point to another room. We walk over to it quickly and find it to be locked. He gives me a look, so I aim my gun again and blow the handle off. We enter vigilantly, closing the door behind us. The shutters are drawn, making it darker in the room. 

"We found it," I whisper, glancing at Mason with excitement. He walks over to the table of guns. "Grab that duffle bag." I point to the bag and look into the ammo. 

"Just scoop it all in," Mason suggests, getting ready to transfer the ammo. 

"No. We don't need all of this. We just need to take ammo that works with the guns we have." With that being said, I start taking what we need, plus some mags and additional guns. "We need 9mm, .223, 3-inch slugs, and .40's." We finish taking the share we need and refill the mags before exiting the armory. I take out the walkie.

"Mason and I are gonna exit. Stay vigilant." I clipped the walkie-talkie back on my waistband. We exit slowly, guns ready to fire. I walk backward, watching every sign of movement. We make it to the end of the complex. Suddenly we hear firing. "Go. Go. Go!" Heartbeat racing, we enter the closest apartment and charge upstairs. 

"Follow me!" I follow Mason into the nearest room. I shuffle the guns in the bag and find an AR-15. I'm so glad I was trained on this back at Hank's place. 

"You take the door. Quick!" He takes the handgun as I open my window. I prop the gun in place and aim for one of the men. I fire, hitting the man in the shoulder. He falls to the ground. I start hearing firing from the other side of the building. "They're on the other side." We rush to the room across from the room we were in. 

"Guys, we need you guys to cover the front side of the building, nobody can enter the front," I say into the walkie. 

"We got you covered. Jackie and Willie in the surrounding neighborhood are pulling a van around for us," Axel replies from the walkie. "Be careful." 

"We will be." I open the window just enough for the nose of the gun to fit through. I fire a few more, hitting one more guy in the chest. They fire back, breaking the window above me. The glass shatters all over me, leaving cuts on my exposed skin. I cringe at the burning sensation. I hear more gunshots in the distance from both directions. 

"You okay?" 

"Yeah... yeah." I fire a few more shots, but I don't think I hit anyone. My heart continues to race as they shoot back. I take the risk and manage to shoot a man right in the head. I get out of the line of fire once more."Oh my God. I definitely killed someone." I stare blankly at the wall in front of me, gun still in hand. Mason manages to take the gun from me and starts shooting out the window before ducking again, grunting. 

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now