Day 33.1

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My whole body tenses up as I hold onto my mom by the shoulders. My dad lifts up her body by the back of her knees and her upper back. Beka buckles us up before sitting on the opposite side of the truck. After we are all fastened, Dre drives forward. He plunges us through the cars.

All of our heads whip back when we make contact with the first car. My mom moans in pain. He hits the gas and we manage to push two cars almost completely out of the way. When we crash into another car, my mom's eyes peek open.

"What's happening, Ky-Kyle," my mom says with a weak and quiet voice. Her eyes are barely open as she lifts her hand up the side of my face. "Brent?"

"I'm here, Maddy. Don't worry. We are on our way to the mountains. The beautiful mountains. Stay with us," my dad cries out, grabbing onto my mom's other hand with his own. We crash into another car and push it aside. A groan escapes my mom's lips.

"Momma, don't worry. The pain will go away soon," I babble, my voice weak and shaky. I look up and meet with the watery green eyes of my wife. "Momma, just think about the future. Don't worry about right now. Rebekah is gonna have a beautiful baby boy or girl who is gonna be just as strong as you. We all have a future together in a nice little suburb. You just have to let me take you there, mom."

"Shh, sweety. Don't worry about me. I know that you are going to find Beka that home for your child and any other future children. Just relax and sing for me please," my mom whispers, coughing throughout the sentence. Everyone has teary eyes as we sit together. My dad and I exchange looks before nodding in agreement. We both start singing.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey." My words get choked up as I sing. I bite my lip to hold back myself from crying but fail to do so.

"You'll never know dear, how much I love you..." my mom continues, her weak voice trailing off. Tears fall from the corners of her eyes. She smiles and caresses my cheek. My dad leans in and kisses her lightly on her lips, causing his whole body to shake into sobs.

"Please don't take..." My dad sucks in a breath and looks up. "My sunshine away..." my dad's voice trails off, looking at my mom so dearly. He continues to caress her cheek and dab off the sweat forming on her forehead.

"We're through, guys!" Dre shouts from the front seat. "Where should we go now?" he asks with urgency. He speeds through the road, weaving past an abandoned car.

"Should we go to the CVS right there?" Beka stammers, pointing over to a store behind us. I dart my eyes to check around to see if it is a CVS. We definitely pass by one. "Maybe we could get supplies for her?" Her voice raises its pitch when she asks. Beka crawls to the front of the truck and sits near Dre.

"She won't make it regardless, Rebekah," I hear Dre whisper in a heavy voice. I feel my heart accelerate. Tears threaten to spill from my eyes again. "Plus, what if there is nothing left, or we get overrun?"

"Just continue to drive. If she can't survive, then it is pointless," I add in dully, holding back my emotions so that I wouldn't lash out on Dre for not telling me sooner. "I'd-" I stop speaking to stop my voice from quivering. "I'd rather have my mom die in a safe home than dying in the back of a truck while we are getting supplies. At least with one option, the rest of us are safe, and we can be together for her last moments." And with that statement, the truck went completely silent. Not even the crickets dared to chirp their annoying song of the night.

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