Day 32.1

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"I'm gonna help get you out of here... tonight." He hands us the meals and water bottles. "I can't be seen with y'all because then I won't be able to do anything to help, but I do have one of the scan cards. I lost a pal today. I'm also already somewhat compromised, so what the hell." He hands the card to me. I study the card as I ravenously eat the MRE's.

"Okay, so there is gonna be a guard here in a few minutes. Both of you need to grab onto his leg with your free hands, and you need to yank him down. For only a few seconds, you will be able to take the keys to the cuffs. The other one needs to take his gun. Point the gun to him and unlock yourselves and then be ready to fight. Knock him unconscious with the butt of the gun. After that, sneakily creep into the hall and get your family, shooting anyone in the leg if you see them. There will be vehicles right outside, they already have the keys in ammunition in case we have to escape suddenly. Drive away and I will open the gate for you. You guys can do it if anyone. One more thing... the code to open the elevator is-"

"27439810. Memorized. We were gonna get out regardless, or die trying," I say spitefully.

"Wait, son. What about you?" my dad asks, speaking to Dre.

"I'll be fine. You guys just need to get out." With that statement, he walks off. Before leaving, he turns around and says one more thing. "See you on the flip side." Shortly after he leaves, another guy comes in with a bag.

I give my dad one last look before we grab his ankles. My dad and I, who are shoulder to shoulder, scramble to reach the keys. The guy who is winded begins to reach for the keys and the gun. My dad keeps him down with his available arm as I unlock the cuffs.

"I can't reach the gun, Kyle. It's too far out of my reach." The soldier grabs my dad's arm and then my dad yells in agonizing pain. His arm is twisted in a way it shouldn't be. I manage to unlock my dad, but the minute he's unlocked, a gun is put to his head.

"No, dad!"

"Arms up, or your dad won't be so lucky. He'll die in your very arms." I hear a click, him turning off the safety.

"Dad, duck! Now." My dad ducks and I reach for the gun. It fires into the wall. I push the dense body back against the wall and put my hand on his hand with the gun. I push him into the brick half wall, him still pushing against my force. I manage to grab the gun. I back off, the gun facing him.

I see him slowly reach for the radio on his belt. I wait it out, hands shaking. "Hey, I need ba-" I shoot. I hit him in the chest and his body falls limp. I give the gun to my dad shakily. I take the assault rifle off of him and steal the walkie talkie. I take the mysterious bag and our cuffs with the keys and hook them to my pants. I had wanted these back.

"Repeat the message. I do not copy. Over." I look at my dad with concerned eyes.

"Uhm... what do I do?" I whisper. "Dammit." I press on the input button. "False alarm. The situation is handled. Out." I release the button. "Was that any good?"

"Good enough that nobody on the other side is responding? I'd say you were fine, son." My dad rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Unless they know that it wasn't that dude, so they come looking." I start to pull the uniform off the body. I take the jacket and put it on. I look down at the name on the jacket. His name was Tony Jenkins. "I killed a man. Dad, I... I killed a human life."

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now