Day 71.0

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I reposition myself on the cream couch. The home was very expensive looking, other than the scattered goods placed everywhere. It almost reminds me of my own home. Well, previous home.

"Thank you for lettin' us be with ya. We were worried 'bout Jackie girl. That's the name of the girl who passed out." I nod in agreement.

"This is in no way permanent, so don't keep your hopes high. As soon as y'all are fed and rested, y'all will be on your way," the brunette says sharply, leaning back and crossing her arms. I understand where she is coming from, but I don't think she is putting the children into that equation.

"Don't start unpackin' your stuff. Y'all should get some sleep. Don't want ya here longer than you need to be," she reminds, almost nagging.

"I'm goin' to bed now. Don't y'all start a ruckus or nun. I won't hesitate to kick y'all out in the middle of the night if y'all compromise me." She shoos us off the couch and sets up her sleeping bag on it once we get up. It is a little bizarre that she didn't just sleep in one of the bedrooms. The house is plentiful in those.

I go upstairs, using my wide stride to skip steps. I rush upstairs because I know I'm not going to get any sleep tonight. I'm on edge. Seeing that symbol really shakes me up the wrong way. I really don't want to see anything happen to Amber, or Mere, or Jackie. Or anyone else for that matter.

Recently, I've especially been worrying about Amber. She's been making sure everyone else is okay so much that she hasn't really been caring for herself. I can tell that she is tired and emotionally drained. She's also getting skinnier. Then again, that applies to all of us. I go into one of the front rooms of the house and go into the bathroom that branches out of it.

The bathroom is pitch black. No windows. I turn on the lantern which lets off a yellowish glow. I look into the cracked mirror, which has what looks like dried blood on it. It is eerie being in the musky room. I barely recognize myself. My hair is disheveled and is still longer compared to before this started although I just got a haircut. My hair was still dusty and filled with dirt.

My face is dirty and I feel grimy all over. I did have a chance to clean up at least some with the saltwater, but I've been caught up worrying about what we are gonna do the next day, and whether our luck will be up. I miss a hot shower. That's what I need. A hot shower.

I try turning the sink faucet, but only a single drop falls. My hand catches it. I try rubbing the now slightly absorbed water and rub it on my face. It makes no difference. I only now notice how hooded the bags under my eyes are. I probably should sleep, but I know I'll only end up getting a couple of hours if any at all.

I exit the bathroom and look out through the blinds of the window. It is an overall quiet night, the occasional fry-brain roaming around. I try to stay silent because Mason is in the room sleeping. He needs the sleep. I bet it is still difficult for him, seeing his mom die, and then seeing his dad leave him for his girlfriend. We all just have so much baggage. And I can tell that a lot of us are just tired. Tired of the nightmare that has become reality.

I crack open the window to let in some cool air, being sure to stay quiet as I do so. The air was still cool, despite the temperature being brutal during the day. I know this won't last very long if summer goes according to mother nature's plan.

I lay my back flat against the bed, my hands clasping together across my stomach. I sigh out heavily, closing my eyes to try to get some shuteye. I hear a car door shut quietly. I peak through one of the blinds and see some rough looking guys. I back away from the window quickly once I notice the heavy artillery that they have.

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