Day 67.1

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You wouldn't believe what I am seeing right now. Behind some shelves that had all been pushed to one side, are a ton of fry-brains. The shelves start to creak and moan as the creatures push against it. How had I not noticed this before? I must've been so caught up in Jackie's injury that I didn't even see this.

I run as fast as I can with Jackie in my arms without dropping her. I turn back and see the teenage son fight a dead guy back with a broom. "Damn it." I look back and see that the glass of to door to the entrance break, piece by piece. A couple of fry-brains are pushing against it. I hurry faster to the back entrance, so I can help the younger teenager. I see another lady help him, so I sigh in relief. I make it to the back and almost fall down the ramp because of my misstepping.

Hank hurries over hastily and grabs ahold of Jackie. "You go inside and help 'em out. The husband and girlfriend went back in." I watch Hank briefly as he hurries to the truck to get her inside. I run back inside at full speed. I see what appears to be the girlfriend and the fearful man. I look towards the entrance to the store and see the glass shatter onto the ground. Fry-brains come from the entrance, the side, and from surrounding areas.

"Leave them, Grant. They'll slow us down. We can't save them," a red-head says to him.

"Bu-bu-but." I can't believe what I am hearing this woman tell him. Leave his son? Wife? She pulls his shoulder away, and I hear someone start yelling.

"Go, Mason. I'll fight them off. Hurry. I love you," the mom screams to her son who is standing beside her.

"I won't leave you. I'll never survive with just dad." The mom looks to me and gives me a look. My first instinct is to run over to them to help them fight, but I count at least twenty fry-brains. "Take him, now!" The mom goes further into the crowd and they all follow her. I sprint to Mason, who couldn't be any older than fourteen. He starts to run to her, but I restrain his arms.

"No, mom. No. Let me be with her. Let me go," he screeches with a raw voice. I see tears flowing from his eyes.

"Stop. Resisting. Kid. You still have a chance," I say through my gritted teeth. I hear a feminine shrill screaming and see the woman's arm being bitten into. The only thing I see before the crowd blocks my sight is those walking corpses making their way to the entrance. The kid weakens his resisting, so I pull him towards the back entrance hastily.

"Let's get the hell out of this joint," Hank yells after seeing me. Everyone except for me and Mason is either in the truck or in the truck bed. I hurry to the bed of it and guide the fourteen-year-old to the back with me.

"I-I'm so gg-glad you're s-safe, Mason," Grant stammered. He reaches for a hug, but Mason pushes him away.

"You killed my mom and left me to die," Mason whispered. He gets into a fetal position and hugs his knees. I glance over to the backseat in the truck and see Jackie sleep soundly. It was so relieving to see her chest rise and fall at a normal rate as opposed to earlier. I try to ignore everything that had just happened and focus on the goods we retrieved. What we have will last us for around three weeks with rationing. Not counting Grant and his girlfriend. I think about just providing them with food and shelter for a couple of days before sending them off for good. I'll ask Mason whether he wants to stay or go with them.

We finally arrive after a long and awkward car ride. I hop out the back and go to the backseat to pick up and bring Jackie inside. I go to the porch and try to open the door, but it is locked. "Amber, it's me, Axel. Jackie is hurt." I hear the faint footsteps get closer. Silence grows, and I see the window curtain open slightly. The door finally opens.

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