Day 26.1

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I give Rebekah a kiss on her forehead. "Hey, babe. How are you feeling?" I put my arm around her shoulders and entwine my fingers around hers with my other hand. "Today was supposed to be our wedding day. You were going to become the Mrs. Kennedy to Kyle Kennedy," I say, smiling at her. The low chattering of the many families in hear makes my head ache.

"You dork," she says, punching me in the shoulder lightly.

"Who're you kidding Kyle? It doesn't matter if you guys are legally married or not. Rebekah Brooks was always bound to become Rebekah Kennedy," my dad chimes in, winking. My mom gives my dad a kiss on his scrubby face. I think of my little brother and sister. I rub my forehead in stress and close my eyes, laying my head on the dark wall.

"Hey, baby." Beka redirects my face to look in her direction. "Don't worry, I'm sure they are safe out there somewhere. And remember, I'm safe, and she or he is too." Beka has a way of easing my stress and worry. I kiss her shoulder.

"I know, I know." I rest our entwined hands onto her abdomen. "Do you want to take a breather outside? Everything is locked in and safe," I ask her, helping her up.

"I would love that. I could use stretching my legs." We go outside, my parents following behind us. I look around and see that it is just before dawn. The sunrise is behind the buildings, allowing for a beautiful silhouette of the buildings.

"Baby, look over there." My wife points to the gate and check-in point of the Coliseum. There is a guy and what looks to be his wife who is pregnant. They're arguing with the military checkpoint officer.

I glance at Beka and gesture her to stay over there. I go up to the officer. "Is there a problem, officer?" I ask, crossing my arms.

"Sir, I'm afraid this doesn't concern you," he says with a deep voice, crossing his arms and pressing them on his chest.

"This is a pregnant woman and you aren't letting her in? She is obviously pregnant, like at least seven months," I reply, my hand gestures only getting stronger.

"I'm only following the rules, man," he tries to reason. I look back at the long line of people waiting to get in. There are children and babies; there are people of all sorts. I give him a little shove.

"Let the pregnant lady in. I don't care if you kick me out. Just let the pregnant woman and the people with babies and children in. They shouldn't be out there, vulnerable." Every word I speak toward this man is laced with anger. I get into the soldier's face and then he points the gun at me.

I don't lower my stance, instead, I grab the end of the automatic. He starts to shoot but all the bullets hit the ground and fly into the air instead. People crouch down and some scream. He drops the gun by mistake and I punch him in the face. Soon after, four or five other men come rushing up to me. I have no damn clue where this courage came from.

They pull me back and drag me away. I look at the military guy I assaulted and he lets in the pregnant woman and her husband. Everyone else waiting starts yelling and shaking the gates. I look at Beka and she looks at me with fear in her eyes. Three military men escort my parents and wife calmly, opposite of how they're treating me.

They drag me into a trailer and the rest of my family into another one that is connected. I get thrown on the floor in the corner of the room and then get locked to a bar that's mounted to the back wall.

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