Day 33.0

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The thought of my mom not surviving litters my thoughts. That's all that I can think of as I drive down the deserted road. It feels as if all life has halted abruptly. Who knew that something could change so quickly? It's so dark right now that I'm unsure on what time of the day it is. It could be late at night, or early in the morning. Hell if I know. Hell if I care. I don't even know where we are going.

All that I'm concerned about is getting my family someplace safe. As I continue down the road, my fatigue from what just happened starts to get to me. It being dark isn't helping my bodily urge to fall asleep. I just wanna drive as far away from that place as I can. I will drive until I am out of gas.

"Beka... is mom still with us?" I mutter with a raw voice. I notice her glance back with the corner of my eye.

"Mmhmm. Still there," she responds shakily, sniffling. I reach my hand out for hers, and we hold hands. "Where are we gonna go?" She kisses the back of my hand and keeps it up to her lips. I feel a droplet of water fall on the back of my hand and squeeze her hand.

"I was planning on taking 295 around the city to get to route 64 so that we can..." my voice trails off, " that we can go to the mountains. It'll be safer there," I whisper, keeping my eyes on the road. I maneuver a few infected walking down the highway. The next one that I spot I just ram into with the grill of the vehicle. I'm sure that it can handle it since it is a military grade vehicle.

I tighten my grip on the steering wheel. I glance back at my mom again and see her chest rise and fall slowly. I keep on repeating the same thing in my head. Just stay awake. Just stay awake. I can't stand the silence. I turn on the radio and only hear busy noise and static. I flip from channel to channel. One channel that I pass I actually hear a voice, so I turn back to it.

"Break break! We've got a code red at base Blackhawk. We need backup. Over," I hear a familiar voice say. I'm not sure of their name exactly, but he wasn't one of the friendly ones.

"What's the incident? Over," an unfamiliar voice responds.

"We've got five fugitives. Two young men- one is military from this base. There's also a middle-aged man, a middle-aged woman, and a young lady. I've lost all connection to anyone else. We were overrun, and I might be the last one. Call for backup. Over." I can hear the fear in his voice which only makes me happy. Oh God, what am I thinking?

"Stand by. Over and out" the guy says briskly, dullness in his deep voice.

"You can't do this too me! Come in! Aren't we a team? You can't leave me to die! Are you even listening?" The guy screams through the radio so loudly that it feels like he is with us.

"Affirmative. Will not comply... over and out." And with that, the radio goes silent. Hearing that just makes me so thankful that we got out. If this had all gone wrong...

"Babe, did we do the right thing?" my wife says timidly. She glances toward me, biting her lip.

"Um... we did what we had to do to survive. And-"

"Those men were sick people. So whatever any of you guys did, it was justified. I can't even imagine what they did to your wife, Kyle. I can't believe I had to work with those people," Dre interrupted, sounding guilty as well.

"How do we know that you're any better," my dad snaps, his voice raging. I can't see his face, but I can imagine that his face is between a scowl and a fully fledged grimace. Dre's breath hitches.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now