Day 2

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My eyes peek open for the first time today as I stretch my arms in bed. I sit up and rub my face. Before getting out of bed, I check my phone to see that I have three texts from James. I feel awakened as I read through his texting shenanigans.

"Good morning beautiful."

"Sleep alright?"

"Miss ya, can't wait to see ya at school."

I blush at his texts. I respond back, biting down on my lip, preventing a smile from rolling onto my face.

"Yeah, thanks for asking. You're too sweet babe 😄 can't wait to see you😙"

I release a big sigh of happiness as butterflies flutter in my stomach. I get out of bed in a hurry, James being the only reason I am excited to go to school today. I look through my closet and decide to wiggle into some blue skinny jeans that are straight-cut at the bottom. I pair the jeans with a large creme brown sweater and a white tanktop underneath, wanting to be warm enough for the cool weather without having to put on my winter coat. I accessorize the outfit by clipping two bits of hair behind small butterfly clips on either side of my hair. Nothing special. I slip on my fuzzy grey and white snowflake socks and my white rainboots that end just above my ankle. After applying a light blush, mascara, and some lipgloss to waken me up some, I leave my bedroom.

I slam the door shut and head to the kitchen, my parents already gone for work. I cut on the TV to watch some cartoons, but Channel 6 News is on. Before switching the channel, I turn up the volume and listen to the current story; they are recapping the event that was reported yesterday evening.

"Following the event of last night, the rumor of a failed experiment has been debunked. Despite this, there have been four reports of people going ballistic and having animal-like characteristics and behaviors. Police suggest everyone stay indoors and to avoid contact with anyone of question. Police say that scientists are working on discovering the cause of  what might be a sickness." I cut off the TV with a groan. Now I'm gonna have to figure out something else to write my paper on.

Before leaving, I pop some pop tarts into the toaster and go upstairs to wake my brother. His snores shook his whole room, making the creaking door quiet in comparison. The top side of one of his superhero posters curls down, close to his face.

I quietly walk up to his bed and shake him lightly. He doesn't budge, so I try it a few times more. When he doesn't wake up, I groan in irritation before realizing I had a chance to do something mischievous to get back at him for last night. I fill a cup of ice-cold water in the kitchen before returning. I pour the water over the sleeping figure, resulting in my brother springing up.

"Ugh, mom, what happened!?" He looks around, balling his now-damp blanket in his fists. I stifle a laugh.

"It's just me. Now haul your butt out of bed and get ready for school." I can't help myself from giggling.

"Ugh, seriously? Now my bed is wet." He rolls his eyes as he whines, a pout making its way onto his face. He slowly rolls out of bed, shoving the cold blanket off his skin.

"I guess you 'wet the bed'." I snicker at my attempts of a joke. He doesn't find it very funny.

"Come on, I was just joking around." I sigh with a resigned shrug of my shoulders when he doesn't respond and keeps his mad face on. 

"Fun ruiner." His irritated expression remains unchanged.

"Whatever, I'm getting ready for school. Enjoy moping around, loser." I was given the responsibility of making sure he got up for school. I grab my pop tarts and walk out the door. I don't have my own car, so I ride the school bus to school. Swinging my bookbag onto my back, which was full of textbooks and notes, I lock the fence gate of my yard. I make a beeline straight to the stop sign which is where the bus picked me up. Right by the ugly electric blue corner house with lime green shutters.

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