Day 62.1

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We hurry out and stand in front of the closet. I slowly put my bag on my back and she does the same.

"What do we do now?" Cate asks through her teeth, glancing over towards me with wide eyes.

"Just walk through," I respond, whispering. I begin to walk with a limp. One of them snarls near my face and I try not to grimace as its putrid breath fans onto my face. It smells of rotten flesh and rotten produce. I look at another one and see that it has a name tag. Michael. It gets close to me. Please don't bite my face off Michael. It walks away when something falls off a shelf. We grow closer to the exit.

"We're close," I whisper and look to the front. Cate looks at me and then at the door.

"Sorry, it had to be this way Jackie," she says loudly. She runs and pushes me back towards the crowd of chewers. She runs out quickly, jumping through the broken window. They start to tug on me. I barely manage to grab a pocketknife out of the bottle holder on my bag. I stab one with force that stands next to me.

"Sorry Michael." I stab the other one around me in their glazed eye. I pull my gun from my waistband and shoot one in the head. I shoot another. I jump out the window and they follow me. I grab a smaller branch I see on the ground. It is around 5 feet long. "Four down, seven more to go." I regrip onto the branch. I can't let these guys follow us to base.

I hit one in the head by swinging the branch like a baseball bat. If only it had sharp spikes around it, that would make it so much easier. I lodge the end of the branch into another head. The one that I hit like a baseball comes back over to me so I do the same that I did with the other one. Five more.

Another one gets close so I shoot it in the head, not having enough time to stab it. Four. I grab the shoulder of another one and stab it with all my might. Three. I push the stick into another skull and it falls to the ground. I try to wiggle out the branch but struggle in doing so. Two. I shoot another one and fall back trying to get the branch out. One. I hit the chewer in the head, causing it to fall. The branch breaks. It must've been rotting. How ironic. I step into the skull of the last one and its skull goes in with a squish noise. Zero.

I want to take a break but I know I can't let her get away with what she did. I take half of the stick and run towards the house. As I sprint, I see her walking. I slow down and sneak up behind her like I am preying on an animal. I swing the branch behind her legs and she falls straight into mud.

"Auh. Did you just make me fall into the mud? I'm already covered in infected blood and guts. You are so childish," she says, crossing her arms. She puts her fingers through her hair.

"You can't afford to look pretty in the apocalypse. It just ain't right," I say, snickering at her response. Her mouth forms an o shape. "Close your mouth, ya might catch flies. Like I would care. You know what, I hope you catch flies so that they can lay their eggs in you." She stands up, anger fuming.

She runs towards me and rams me to the ground into mud. She pulls my short hair and lands her fist onto my face. I respond with a little punch surprise myself. I cut my hair so my little sister wouldn't pull it, and I just get some fifteen-year-old girl doing it in her place.

I grab onto her long hair and jerk her to the ground, pushing her into the mud. I punch and punch and punch. I grab the cuff of her jacket and lift her slightly. "Don't. Pull. My hair," I rumble with a low voice. I push her into the mud once more for kicks. She puts her hand out for me to help her up but I don't. She rolls her eyes and gets up.

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