Day 70.1

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"There are some survivors on that raft. Shiit," I exclaim. I roll my shoulder slowly and wince in pain from my shoulder injury. "Ambs, what do we do?" I glance at her before directing my attention to the raft people with cautious eyes.

"We need to save them. We can't just lead them to fend for themselves with all the incoming infected," Amber says, pursing her lips into a tight straight line. "Alright, you and Meredith need to start to pack everything up, we won't be able to fend off all of them. Cate and I will figure something out to get them.

"I say we leave them. We don't know them. Why should we help them?" Cate says nonchalantly as she shrugs her shoulders. Ambs grabs her arm forcefully, leaving pink imprints of her fingers on Cate's pale complexion. She is whipped to face Amber.

"We're still humans. We can't just leave innocent-looking lives on that raft. They'll die if we leave. They don't even have weapons," Amber says very passionately, stomping her foot on the ground. She crosses her arms over her stomach.

I make a suggestion that I believe to be considerable. "Yeah, I mean we could've ditched you. Is that still a vote? Cause I'd be all for it," I say with great zest. Cate rushes over to me and pushes her thumb into my glued closed wound. I grit my teeth at the pain.

"Oops, my bad," she says before releasing my now throbbing shoulder. I stagger back a tad, still a little weak from the previous blood loss.

"Girls! Enough! Jackie, finish packing up everything with Meredith take everything to the truck asap and be ready to leave. Cate, you need to follow me." I watch them run as they descend elsewhere. I see the first chewer limp towards me, one of its arms missing. Its body is discolored in shades of grey and green almost like a swamp man or something. I swing my uninjured arm and slam the knife into its skull. I gag at the texture of the skin.

I slam the glass door shut and close the blinds quickly. I breathe in and out heavily. I enter the kitchen and look through the food pantry closet room. I find a medium-sized cooler that has wheels. He probably used this to bring the booze down to the beach back before this. God, I could use a stiff drink just about now.

I look through the sparse shelves in the cabinets, dumping the few cans remaining into it. I grab the two jugs filled with water and put them in the cooler. I take a couple more cans which empty the shelves. Mere joins me downstairs with her arms full of the medical supplies we had gathered over the past month.

"Put it in here, Mere." She nods assuredly and drops the supplies into the cooler very delicately. We start to bring everyone's bookbags downstairs in a rushed state.


Cate and I run away from the house and toward the neighboring home. I look around and see that there is a boat that is attached to the dock. It looks like it has been sitting there for a while based on the green that was growing on the part exposed to the air. I suppose we got lucky because people normally don't leave their boats tied up on the dock; usually, they are locked away.

"Come on! Over here!" I say, putting more pep in my step. We jog over and I jump into the boat. She unties it for me and steps back. "You help the others get everything together. Drive up to the dock once you guys have everything. And I swear, if you leave us to die out here, I will find you and kill you with my bare hands." I'm taken aback by my malice and choice of words. Killing her with my bare hands? She jerks her head at my choice of words and gives me a look implying my insanity.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now