Before You Read

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Hi guys, I usually don't do authors notes but I wanted to clear up any misconceptions or anything else.

So, in case you didn't know(lol 😂), this is a zombie book but they don't call them zombies because they don't exist in this universe. The book begins in the start of March. I also based many locations(not all) on real places in the east coast of the USA.

Now on to the next thing. Everything in this is original ideas either thought up by me or my dad. Sorry if they seem similar to another book you've read, or a TV show or movie you've seen, some ideas tend to be similar because that is just how the human mind works. On that same note, this book is in no way perfect and I would love to have your CONSTRUCTIVE criticism.

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The publishing or public use of this book is not permitted without permission from the owner of this book. This includes photocopying, recording, writing, or electronically downloading or copying of the book without written permission of the author except for the use of critical reviews and possible other noncommercial uses that are permitted by copyright law. People in violation of this copyright law will be prosecuted following court. If you would like to receive permission to use this book contact the author(me) at the email address

Enough with the legal stuff. Anyway, if you have any questions that pertain to the book, or writing, or anything else, you can contact me with that same email, or send me a message on here, or comment. I really hope you guys are enjoying this book and if you would like to make any covers for this book, or give me any story ideas, I will gladly accept them.

Also, I am in the process of editing this book, and I plan to start publishing A Story To Tell: Season 2 in summer 2023! While waiting, if you enjoyed this read, check out my book First Steps, which is a spinoff book which has characters that will be introduced in in the main series! 

That's it for this little author's note. I hope you enjoy your reading and be sure to vote, comment, and share for this book. Much love ♡- Lana.

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