Day 32.0

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I walk into the workroom and rub my tense forehead. I really gotta figure out how I'm gonna pull this off. I pour some hot, black coffee, inhaling the sweet nectar of the gods. If I do this and leave with them, then I won't get things like the luxury of coffee or the guarantee of food every day.

It's a difficult choice, but if I stay with the base, I'm with a ton of douches. If I go with the family, I have someone to protect. That's all I want to do... protect. Protect those who may need it. We have some military vehicles; I could always steal one and get them out.

I scratch the back of my head and get startled slightly when one of my co-workers sneaks up behind me. I turn around smiling and I give Trevon a forced hug.

"Hey, man. You getting any of that good stuff? If ya know what I mean," he says, winking as he gestures to the booze. "It's the real good stuff, dude." The bottle label reads Jameson's Irish Whiskey. "You don't have to be Irish to drink some of that good shit. Loosen up a bit." He grabs the bottle and onto my shoulder before exiting the room.

I walk with him to the exit of the building, and we travel up the elevator. We swing into one of the trucks. We drive to the exit and halt the vehicle.

"Just doin' a check at one of the security points. We'll be gone fur three or four hours give or take. We'll radio in on our way back." The guy at the gate gave us the approval to leave, and we drove down an unfamiliar road. I'm not really familiar with the area, but when I was assigned an area to cover, this was the headquarters for my sector. I check the time on my watch which is set at 10:37 am.

"How far is our check location?" I ask, tapping my foot on the floor of the truck. I look out the window and see the rolling hills of farmland. I see a couple of mangled bodies roam through the open land.

"Our 'check location' is about forty minutes out from Blackhawk," he says sarcastically, chuckling to himself. "You ready to get drunk and dance with the tulips and daisies?" I give him a discerning look before looking out the window again. "Come on, man. Don't be a bitchin' betty It's the Armageddon for Christ's sake. Relax a little and enjoy the real nectar of the gods. Am I right, man."

"Would you stop saying man so much? It's friggin annoying." I sit in silence for a moment. "We're supposed to actually help people, not go around drunk to some random place. What would we do if something were to happen to us while we were drunk? Because of the fact that we are supposed to be here to protect others, I can't protect my own wife and kid. Maybe it's different for you..." Both of us sit silently for a while, cooling off our heads. We stay silent until we drive off of a dirt road and into an empty field that's surrounded by trees.

The vehicle halts to a stop in the middle of the field. "Now what?" I ask, unamused. We get out of the truck, automatics in hand. The sky grows darker as clouds come in. I check the time again. It's only around 11:30, but the color of the sky begs to differ. "I think we're gonna get some rain soon. We should really go. Visibility decreases when it rains. That's even more dangerous than what we're already doin'."

"Nah, man. Shut your pretty little crumb catcher about bein' a straight edge." Both of us go to the top of the truck, and he props his automatic flatly. "Now we've just gotta wait fur a couple to stumble here. It's been a while, so I gotta get my target practice." He aims the gun in the air slightly and takes three shots into the air. The push back is strong, but he still keeps full control of it. Some birds scatter out of the trees and fly away into the dark clouds.

I see a figure lurk on the edge of the wooded area. "Hey, I think today's your lucky day." I hit his shoulder, and he glances in the same direction. The body falls after a loud echoing noise.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now