Day 28.0

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We wake up on the concrete floor that feels cold like ice. The space is kind of drafty which makes for a very cold and uncomfortable stay. "Good morning sleeping beauties," we hear a deep voice say over a speaker. They kept us in here for about a day as a slight quarantine. "Eat up soon because we will be transferring Y'all to the facility pronto."

We were merely commended one can of peaches. "You eat, babe. You need it more than I do," I say with concern. She rolls her eyes and takes a peach slice out with a plastic fork.

"I hate peaches," she responds, rolling her eyes once more, but playfully instead. "I feel sick again, Kyle," my stunning wife says. I look at her with sorry eyes, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Finish eating up." I smile falsely and feel my stomach growl. I just cherish the figure in front of me and wonder how it came to this moment where I am with this girl. I'm this phenomenal woman who is always giving me the motivation to keep going. I've especially needed her these past few weeks. Everything happened so suddenly that it just leads me to wonder if everything will go back to normal.

"Ar-are you scared, baby? Because I definitely am," she stutters, her vivid green eyes sparkling with tears. She sets the now empty can down and cuddles closer to me.

"As long as I have you there is no fear in my eyes or heart." I smile and wrap my arms around her tightly. I start to sing a tune that I've always sung, ever since my mom sang it to me as a child. "You are my sunshine. My only sunshine." My voice breaks thinking about my brother and sister. She joins in. "You make me happy when skies are gray." She caresses my cheek. She stops singing, but I continue. "You'll never know, dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away."

I feel tears prick my eyes, so I push my face into the nape of her neck where her luscious brown hair falls onto and past her shoulders. "I love and will always love you, Beka." My voice is mumbled as I speak but she only holds onto me tightly.

"I love you too, Ky," she responds, her voice shaky. We stay like this until the door opens, the bright white light filling the room that only has small windows.

"Loved the show, encore, encore," the deep voice that we heard earlier says. I look up at him and shoot dagger eyes at him. Rebekah rubs the side of my arm and I take a heavy breath out. "Now stand up. The show was entertaining while it lasted. Things get pretty damn bored 'round here when you got nothing to do," he says sarcastically. He chuckles and spits on the ground beside him. Well he demonstrates some excellent manners I think to myself.

He clasps my arm aggressively and jerks me up. A woman comes in and brings Beka up with her arms; she clutches onto her shoulders tightly. We are forced into the bigger facility, and I watch as the woman pushes a code into the pin pad. 27439810. 27439810. 27439810. I continue to repeat the number in my head until it seems like the sole thing playing in my mind. I shift my head towards the wide, empty field nearby. I scan through it and see that it is permeated with corpses. I nibble my lip and feel the atmosphere get more fearful among my wife, mom, and dad.

We suddenly get rushed in and I barely get the chance to glance to some men carrying something. They transfer a body out and hurl it into the field. We get whisked inside. When we enter, it is a normal looking garage space with airplane parts scattered everywhere. They escort us to an elevator and put in the same pin.


They shove all four of us plus all six of them into the elevator. There are only three floor buttons on the panel, but they pick button 3. Instead of going up though, the elevator starts moving down. To ease my shaking hands, I let them rest in front of me, my arms hanging and my fingers intertwined.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now