Day 19/20.0

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We've been holed up in my house for 14 days now, avoiding contact with the outside world. Waiting for those men to return. I have to save that girl from them, or else I would be gone already. The police have given up on controlling people at this point. We are about a third way through the food supply here, but we can ration the boxed and canned food.

I've been keeping a close eye on Amber after our second day here.

A warm blanket covers me as I peak my eyes open. I tilt my head, causing a crack to sound. Falling asleep on the floor doesn't feel good. I can't believe I fell asleep on watch. Imagine if something had happened to her. I get up and peak into my room but she isn't sleeping in there. I go downstairs, assuming that she made breakfast.

I let out a sigh of relief when I see here there, standing and making pancakes. I go closer to her and realize she has some band-aids on her left wrist. Those weren't there yesterday. I rush over to her and she turns around, pushing her wrists against her body.

"Why are you covering your wrist? Let me see," I say.

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now