Day 5.0

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A gut-wrenching scream echoes through the building, waking me up from my dreamless slumber. My fight or flight kicks in for a second before realizing I'm in the safety of the practice room. I release a sigh. I quickly come to the realization that while I am safe, my boyfriend might not be. With everything crazy I've seen on the news, it makes me anxious about what those screams could be about. I empty my book bag, deciding to keep only my phone, which I've fortunately been able to charge using my computer. My pink sparkly hand sanitizer, connected to the chain on the zipper of my bag also stays on. No point in getting rid of it.

I zip my bag and rush out of the room. I can come back for that stuff later if I need it. I exit the small enclosure briskly. As soon as I enter the hallway, my arm is seized zealously, by someone, causing my heart to drop to my stomach before I realize it's Axel.

"What the heck, Axel? Let go of me." I try to pull away from him, but his tight grasp on my arm doesn't budge.

"It isn't safe here anymore. We've got to go," he says with urgency in his voice. Beads of sweat dribble down his forehead.

"I am not leaving without James." I push him with my arm, and he lets go. He follows me as I rush to make my way to the cafeteria. He grabs my wrist again, pulling me back to him. Why can't he just leave me alone?

"At least take this." Axel pulls out a swiss army knife that was in his jacket pocket. My eyes grow wide as I start to speak, but he grabs my hand and opens it. He puts the knife in it and pushes my hand against me.

"Keep this. Please," he adds quietly, letting go of my hand as I pull it away from him and slide the knife into the back pocket of my jeans, swallowing harshly.

We trek towards the commons, almost in a full run. He presses his firmly presses his hand against my lower back to push me forward, a grimace evident on my face. My gaze softens as I frantically look around for James' chocolate-colored eyes. A large crowd of peers are kneeled on the floor by the gym, but I'm unable to make out what they're doing. I finally spot him over where the administrators usually stood during lunches, his eyes traveling across the room. When I see him, I rush over to him in a sprint. He meets my eyes and hurries over to me.

I smile so widely that it feels like my cheeks will fall off. I feel the tears bubble in my eyes. Thank the Lord he's okay. He grabs onto my waist and lifts me into the air with his strong grip. He continues to squeeze me tightly in his arms. I give him a swift kiss and then he puts me down, placing his hands firmly on each shoulder.

"I need to grab my bag before we leave the school," James says, the urgency clear in his tone as he looks right at me, cupping my cheek. He gives me a quick kiss before turning around and making his way to his bag. I watch him with a sharp eye, noticing Claire coming my way in my peripheral. She slowly gets near, her walk wobbly and off-kilter.

"Claire?" I question, my voice high.

"Hey, Claire? What are you doing?" Her arms reach out for me. I look over her, wondering what is wrong when I notice dark red blood seeping through her pale yellow shirt in her stomach. 

"Amber! That's not Claire anymore. She's turned. Get away!" Axel screams out. James looks up at Axel, and then me. He drops his stuff and sprints over to me. Claire moves closer, a low growl escaping her lips. My feet stay glued to the ground, unsure of whether I should be worried for her or terrified of her. Tears bubble up in the brims of my eyes.

"James! No! Stay away." Tears fall down my face hysterically. 

"Claire. Don't do this." She continues to snarl, marching on closer with a desire for something unknown. And I don't want to know what that something is. Axel reaches for something on the floor, raising it to eye level. It's a gun. It must've been the police officer's. 

A Story To Tell: Season 1| A Zombie Apocalypse Story (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now