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"Do not skip your medications, don't overwork yourself, eat properly, and...."
I was about to go on and on with my ranting because I was hella worried of my grandma.

"Sweetie, don't worry too much. I'll be fine. Besides your aunt and uncle is here."

I looked up to my left and saw them standing there, all giddy. Guess they're more excited than me. We were standing in the train station with all my luggage and homemade kimchis and whatnots that my grandma made for me.

It's been three days since I knew that my scholarship was accepted and I was more than grateful for this opportunity.
You could say I got this scholarship because I topped most of my classes.

The train to Seoul had almost arrived and I'm terrified. I'm worried about my grandma and her health but that was the reason I was here. To make her happy and live a longer life with me. I also don't know if my uncle and aunt will take care of her as I hope.

"Aunt Jei, please take care of grandma for me. I'm counting on you."
I said holding her hand firmly. She warmly smiled at me which was weird because she never smiles at me like that.
"Don't worry, Hyemin. I'll take care of her."

I hope so.

I looked at my grandma again and kissed her head. I'm gonna miss her smell, her kindness and her presence. I wish I could take her with me.

"I'll be back soon grandma. So please don't make me worry and always take care of yourself. I love you so much grandma."

I said and hugged her. Before I know, tears were already pooling down my face.

"Aww, dear. Don't cry. I'll be alright. I'm more worried about you. The world out there is cruel, sweetie and I'm afraid something might happen to you."

"I'll take care of myself for you, grandma."

The train had arrived and the more the train approached us, the more I didn't want to leave. It might be because it's my first time away from my hometown.

My stomach was churning and I felt homesick already.

I took my luggage and made my way to the train. I looked back at my family and they were all smiles.

I took one last look at grandma and mouthed I love you to her. She smiled and put up a flying kiss my way.

Gosh, I miss her already.



It has been a almost a year since I had the encounter with Amber, and the more I thought about it, the more I regretted it.

I didn't know why, but something was bugging me.

It was Sunday, the only time I ever have an off day at work.

The pressure of being the CEO of a famous fashion brand had taken quite a toll on me and I felt my whole body aching.

I don't know if it was because of work or because I was sexually frustrated.

I plunged myself on the leather sofa and looked up at the chandeliers. I've never felt so lonely in my life, I was alone in this big mansion with nothing to do. And the weather was terribly hot.

I decided that I'll go out to buy some groceries because all the maids took a day off too and I have absolutely nothing in the fridge.

Just as I picked up my car keys, the doorbell rang.

I went to the door and the there was no one at the door.


I was about to close the door when I saw a small crib on the doormat. I was confused at first as to why a crib was doing here on my doorstep when suddenly I heard a baby crying inside it.

A baby. Crying. What the hell?

I opened the crib to find a cute baby crying.
I picked up the kid and carefully put the baby in my arms. I looked at it's features and it looked like a baby girl.
As soon as  she saw me, she stopped crying and looked at me with her big, round eyes.

As much as I hate to admit it, I'm a sucker for cute babies.

I also picked up the crib and took it inside the house and I saw a paper neatly folded and begging to be read.

  Taehyung, please take care of our baby. I came to your office a few months ago to talk about this but you didn't want to listen. I wanted to tell you that we had a baby girl together. And as much as I want to be with her, I can't. I'm sick and useless. I wanted your love and warmth but I guess you didn't want to give me that. I'm sorry for putting you through so much and I know it must be hard for you to have a kid at such a young age. I hope you can find a woman who loves you and accept our child. I've been a bad mother and its best if you don't let her know about me. I'm scared she might hate me for leaving her in the future. Take care and always know that I love you and our precious baby.

With love, Amber Yoo.

A/N:Pretty dramatic, huh? Please vote, share and I hope you guys enjoyed it so far. Love,Eunha.

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