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That's what her mind was right now.

Everything went numb in her surroundings. She could feel her legs and hands getting numb.

The tears in her eyes couldn't stop rolling out.

She couldn't even formulate out a word to the man sitting in front of her looking at the destroyed form of Lee Hyemin.

"What is it? Is something wrong? Goddammit Hyemin, speak."

Taehyung got anxious of her.

She hung up the phone that she held ever so shakily.

"I have to go back, Tae."

She slowly muttered out with a frail voice.

Just before he could even question, she hastily stood up and ran out of the kitchen.


Taehyung frantically called out following her.

She went into her room and started taking out a suitcase and filled it with clothes.

While Taehyung worriedly looked at her shaky form.

He grabbed her hands and turned her around to fully face him.

He saw the ocean of tears pooling down her eyes and it made his heart tight with concern.

"Tell me what happened Hyemin. Who was that call from?"

Hyemin looked into his eyes and saw confusion and anger.

He looked disturbed and curious of her sudden behavior.

His grip was firm and demanding which made her even tear up more.

His gaze was strong on her waiting for her to say a word.

"M-my grandma, she-"

His eyes immediately softened upon hearing her weak voice.

He knew something happened to her grandmother.

"What happened to her?"

He was beyond worried at this point.

"The doctors... they said she went into seizure and she, I-I have to go Taehyung. My grandma is in a terrible condition."

Without a word, Taehyung quickly held her close to him and let her cry in his chest.

With this action, Hyemin cried even harder. She was afraid, so afraid that her grandma was gonna leave her.

She needed to see her as soon as possible.

"Come on, let's go."

Taehyung said firmly, dragging her out of the house.

Her packed clothes were long forgotten and they drove out to Daegu.

During the ride to the hospital there, she couldn't help but occasionally let out a sob.

Her heart was ramming and she was beyond worried.

She thought of all the worst scenarios possible while Taehyung would just calm her down when he felt like she was gonna have a panic attack.

She sometimes would find it hard to breathe.

Taehyung didn't let go of her shaking hands not even once during the car ride.

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