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This is a 1K special! Thank you guys for reading this shitty story! Love you guys!


Hyemin could've sworn she felt her heart stop. She didn't know what to feel.

She was idly standing in front of the bathroom cabinet and looked at her exhausted and shocked face reflecting on the mirror.

She couldn't take the swelling of her heart so she excused herself.

She took deep breaths in and out and looked at herself once again, but this time smiling.
She felt two things.

1. Happiness
2. Fear

She was happy that the thing she wished most for had come true. Taehyung finally asked her out like she deserved to.

The second point, she wasn't sure why. There was a certain place in her heart and mind that all of this was too good to be true.
She somehow refused to believe that Taehyung had just romantically asked her out and wanted her to be his girlfriend.

All she could think of was his face, his eyes that bore the innocence yet devilish personality.

The duality of Kim Taehyung sometimes amazed her.

The first second, he'll be extremely sweet and caring and the next second he'll be sexy and hella dominant.

But that wasn't what she was afraid of.

She tried to grasp that feeling and determine why she felt so afraid.

What was she afraid of? She didn't even know.

She was sure Taehyung was sincere. She was sure he was gonna treat her right.

But that heavy feeling in her chest wouldn't go away.

It must be my excitement and nervousness. Nothing else.

Hyemin called out in her mind.

She was about to finally face him and give him an answer.

She was obviously gonna accept him.

At his best and worst.

Hyemin felt her heart pacing as she opened the bathroom door and stepped out of her little bubble of her debating mind.

As she went down the stairs, she could feel the sounds of what sounded like porcelain bowls being shuffled and placed down.

And she could smell seaweed.

Is he cooking?!

She quickly approached the kitchen and saw a dashing Kim Taehyung with an apron on his waist preparing the table with what looked like seaweed with pork soup.

Hyemin just stood there with her mouth open and contemplated whether she's been gone to the bathroom for too long.

She started out in order to get his attention and Taehyung almost jumped at her voice.

He showed her his signature dashing smile that could be the perfect toothpaste commercial.

She couldn't help but smile at the overly cute guy.

He approached her and made her sit down the decorated table.

"Please wait, madame. Dinner will be served."
Taehyung said with a French accent and bowed down.

Hyemin snickered at his lovely antics while he was busy preparing the table and serving wine.

She was deeply impressed with his efforts, looking at all the preparations.

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