25. Tonight

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It's been three days since that night where she almost lost control. If the chef hadn't been there that night then it would have been a totally different situation.

Hyemin was cleaning up her room but all she could think of was Kim Taehyung and how affected she was with him.

He somehow managed to have control over her body and she knew it wasn't good but it wasn't as bad as she thought either.

She liked it when he touched her and made her feel like she was on Cloud 9.

But she just couldn't face him again after she almost gave in.

The past three days have been her avoiding him as much as she possibly could. And fortunately for her, he was quite busy these days and rarely came home early which was good for her.

She would always stay cooped up in her room and just idly sit on her bed looking at nothing. She was totally not used to these type of situations so she thought it was best for her to avoid it.

But she couldn't help long for his touch again. Just thinking about it made her skin warm and her heart palpitating.

She wanted to kiss him again because she was addicted to his lips and his touch.

But she was too stubborn to even talk to him let alone look at him.

Taehyung on the other hand was dying. He was so frustrated over how things turned up. He was hoping that it would all be normal after the first time she avoided him but it was three days now.

He tried to talk to her but somehow she always managed to slip away from him.

He hated that she couldn't even look at him in the eyes anymore.

He was not a fool to not know why she was acting the way she was. He wanted to force her to at least look at him but he was afraid he might hurt the fragile girl.

Unlike Hyemin, he wasn't a least bit nervous about what happened. He was so used to these situations that he didn't even mind.

But this time it was different. It was Hyemin he was taking about.

The woman he loved so much.

He wanted to apologize but he was unsure and he was frustrated.

He never thought it was a mistake. She wanted it. It wasn't like he forced her so he didn't know what to do or say to her.

Somehow, her touches seemed to faze him from time to time.

When he was at work, he would randomly think of her and how she touched him and made him feel some type of way.

He was so sexually frustrated and mad at the same time.

It was the timing that was wrong.

He had tried so much to talk to her about it but as she had to attend to Yuki too, she had no free time.

And he was always home late to even talk to her. He would always enter the empty house filled out silence because she would always go to sleep early and he didn't want to wake her up.

He was fidgeting with his pen sitting at his large office with plenty of paperwork piled before him.

He came to a conclusion that he would talk to her tonight even though she might be asleep already or even of she didn't want to talk to him.

He was going to force her if necessary.

He called over his assistant over the phone.

"Yes, sir. Anything you need?"

She spoke over the line.

"I want you to review all of the paperwork for me today. I know it's a lot but I also have important stuff to do at home. So please do it for me."

"B-but sir...."

"I'll double your salary. Don't worry, I know you have a lot of work to do too."

"It's alright sir. I'll do it."

"Thank you."

He cut the line feeling relieved that he had a reliable assistant.

But he was also anxious. He had this tight feeling in his chest that he couldn't describe why he felt that way.

He didn't want to mess up with her again. He wanted to ask her out formally to be his girlfriend and get into a relationship with her.

He was never a man with commitment but Hyemin was different from everyone else.

He was ready to pour his heart into her fragile hands for her to take care of.

He wanted her heart too. He of course wants her body too but it wasn't as important as having her trust and he was ready for commitment.

He was also scared.

What if she rejects him because of the simple fact that she didn't trust him.

He was afraid of being too committed that it might break his heart in the end.

But he also knew that love wasn't as complicated as he thought but it wasn't also as simple.

He wanted his daughter to have the perfect mother she deserves.

Her real mother was nothing of a good example for his daughter so he was anxious that she might have the wrong idea and think that no body wanted her.

He always tried so hard to fill the void in his daughter's heart so that she would not ever miss her mother.

But he knew it was impossible. He knew because he knew his own mother and how she was. And he didn't want his daughter to feel the same.

He truly believed that Hyemin filled that void in her heart. Looking at the way she behaved around Yuki and how caring she was.

It was hard for Yuki to open up to people because he knew she took after her.

They shared the exact same mind and they both were smitten by Hyemin.

So it was no doubt that she would also be a perfect mother for Yuki.

And the fact that Yuki even calls her mommy says a lot already.

He knew his own daughter, he knew it was hard for her too to live without a mother. He knew that even though he might always lavish her with things she want, it wasn't enough.

She still needed a mother's love and he perfectly knew that Hyemin would be able to give her all the love she didn't get from her biological mother.

So it was now or never. This talk to make or break their relationship.

Taehyung felt his sweat collecting around his forehead and suddenly felt anxious.

He loosened his tie and hoped for the best.

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