21.The morning after

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Hyemin slowly creeped open her eyes as she could no longer close them because of the bright light that shined on the room.

She could still see Yuki deeply snuggling on her chest and she couldn't help but smile at the cute scene.

She looked at the time and it was 6 a.m.

It was still early so she slowly crept out of the bed in fear of waking up the cute princess still in her dreams.

She went into her own room, washed up and decided to prepare breakfast.

She pulled up her hair in a ponytail and started preparing a simple breakfast of banana pancakes. She learned that Yuki loves bananas and especially loves banana milk.

While she was busy flipping the pancakes, she heard footsteps approaching the kitchen. She looked behind her to find Taehyung groggily rubbing his eyes as he sat down on the table with his messy hair.

"Good morning, Tae. Slept well?"
Hyemin tried to start a conversation for once.

"Good morning Hyemin. Yes, I slept well."
Taehyung replied with his absolutely deep and sexy morning voice.

He stood up making coffee for himself.

"What are you making?"

"Oh! I was making banana pancakes. Yuki absolutely loves them."

She smiled while serving the pancakes.

Taehyung smiled watching her in a good mood. They were off to a great start in the morning.

"You eat, I'll go wake up Yuki."

Hyemin said as she hurriedly went upstairs before Taehyung could even say a thing.

She came back with Yuki on her arms while the other one failed to open her eyes because she was so comfortable on her arms.

She carefully sat Yuki down on the table and served her the food.
When she heard the waft of the freshly made banana flavoured pancakes, she quickly opened her eyes wide.

"Yay! Bananas!"
She clapped her small hands and waddled on her seat. Hyemin sat down, smiling.

She was sure today was gonna be a great day.

Taehyung would always glance at the two and feel extremely happy but he was sad that he had to go to work today and not spend more time with the both of them.

"Yuki sweetie, Hyemin made them just for you."

Yuki looked at Hyemin and both returned smiles.

"Thank you, mommy!"
She exclaimed loudly making Taehyung choke on his coffee and Hyemin's face turned crimson red.

"Yuki, I told you not to call me that!"
She said through her teeth gritting.

Taehyung was shocked to say the least. He could feel his heart ramming for some reason. He knew they had bonded quite well but not this well.

Not that he didn't like it. He wanted Yuki to accept her in the first place before he officially asked her out.

Yes, he was gonna ask her out to be his girlfriend.

And to say he was nervous was an understatement.

He was finally gonna do it. He had been waiting for so long but he first wanted both the two most important person, his daughter and his love, to get along together and now it happened.

It was his turn to take action now. And he felt nervous. It's been a couple of months Hyemin had started living in his house and he has analysed all of her likes, dislikes, habits and other important things he needed to know.

He was more than ready now but it was just rejection he feared.

"Yes, sweetie. Call her mommy from now."

Taehyung said with a smirk.
He absolutely loved teasing Hyemin and loved how she always reacts to her teasing and dirty talks, those not in front of Yuki of course.

"W-what? Taehyung... what a-are you saying? Are you mad?"

Hyemin tried to shout at him but because of her flush and nervous state, she couldn't let out her voice. She slouched down on the chair nibbling on her pancakes with her flustered face.

Taehyung deeply chuckled with Yuki laughing cutely on the sides.

"Daddy?! Why don't you marry Hyemin quickly? I know you both like each other."

Yuki said wriggling her eyebrows.
She was just like her father, mischievous and cute.

"Aww, my daughter is getting more clever then ever. Of course, I'll marry her, it's just that your mommy needs her time."

He petted Yuki's hair and smiled glancing at Hyemin who was sitting awkwardly.

She wanted to leave the room and out of the awkward situation. She extremely hated both the father and daughter duo because they always found a way to tamper with her fragile heart.

Hyemin cleared her throat and thought of things to say to break both the eyes that was on her.

But to no avail, she couldn't think of anything to say to distract them.

Fortunately, Taehyung started taking.

"I gotta go to work today so you both have the house to yourselves."

"But daddy, its Saturday. It's the only time I get to be with you and you won't be here."

She started pouting and Taehyung sighed.

"Look sweetie, I, too, want to be with you and spend the time with both of you but I skipped work for way too long because of my illness and I have lots and lots of work to do."
He said exaggeratedly.

She was sad for a moment but she tried to understand her father so she smiled and said it was okay.

"Don't worry Yuki. I'm here. We'll have loads of fun!"

Hyemin said trying to cheer up the gloomy kid.

Yuki smiled when thinking about all the things they should do. She was thinking about all the stuff she wanted to do if she had a mommy. She started getting excited.

She would be finally able to do those things with Hyemin.

"Don't worry daddy. Go to work and have fun. We don't need you here."

She said sassily waving Taehyung goodbye.

Taehyung couldn't believe she just said that. He was hurt at the same time hearing Hyemin laugh out loud for the first time made his heart melt.

He dramatically clenched his chest and pretended to get hurt.
"Ouch! My heart! I've been stabbed."

Both Hyemin and Yuki laughed at the overly extra man infront of them. He was dreading more and more for his work at the company and was thinking about just staying in with the two.

Bur then the work wasn't going to do by itself so he internally sighed.

Hyemin saw his face suddenly turn sulky.

"Don't worry, Tae. You're still her best man."

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