10.Kim Estate

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That's how I feel like right now. I feel like dying.

My muscles have all given up on me and I didn't know where I was.

The only thing I was sure of is that I felt warm and cozy, like I was floating on air. I could barely open my tired eyes as I felt hazy and couldn't detect my surroundings.

The sound of the door clicking could be heard and I could faintly hear footsteps.

"Hey, Hyemin...."

Someone whispered softly beside my ears and it was at that moment when my tiredness vanished and found out that Taehyung had carried me inside.

I must have slept inside the car.

I slowly opened my eyes feeling shy and the minute I did, those mesmerizing eyes pierce through mine.

I don't know how to feel right now.

I also found out that I have been intertwining my hands behind his neck all this time.

"You.. you can put me down now. Thank you."
I said softly.

He gently put me on the soft couch that felt like silk.

The sofa is more luxurious than my bed.

I thought as I looked around the terribly big place.

Too big for a single person.

"Mr.Kim, you live alone?"
I asked which he shook his head.

"I live with my daughter."
He said casually, hands in his pocket.

Was all I could say. He must have a wife too then.

Why am I so disappointed?

Its normal for such a handsome and rich young man to have a family of his own.

I fiddled with the hem of his jacket he gave me. It was too big for me and it smells like a specific Gucci signature perfume.

So addictive.

"You should rest here tonight. You must be tired now, we'll figure something out in the morning and I'll give you clothes to wear. Freshen up."

"But its unnecessary Mr. Ki-"

Before I could finish he placed his slender finger on my lips to shut me up.

"I'm not going to listen. If I say stay, then you stay. Understood?"

He looked really intimidating right now.

And also hot?!

What am I thinking, Hyemin?

Just as I was about to protest, the sound of the door opening distracted the both of us.

A tall, red-head and very breathtaking man came out with his messy hair and yawning.

What's with Seoul and hot men?!

He was shocked to see me but then greeted me regardless while I bowed back at him.

"Hyung, what happened?"

He looked at Taehyung and asked while the other man kept a blank face.

"She almost got raped. If I haven't been there at the right time, God knows what would have happened to her."

He said looking right into my eyes. I lightly smiled at him.

I owe him my life.

"Oh god, are you all right?"

The other guy asked me looking very disturbed and worried.
I just nodded my head.

I don't even know his name yet.

As if he read my mind, he offered me a handshake which I abruptly shook.

"My name is Jeon Jungkook. I'm Taehyung's best friend."
I smiled at him and thought of how hot these two men was.

My fragile heart is shaking.

"Hi. I'm Lee Hyemin."

"So, you both got to know each other now. Jungkook, you may leave. Seolhyun must be worried. Thanks for the help man,what would I have done without you."

"No problem bro. You know I love Yuki, it was my pleasure."

They bro hugged and apparently left.


There was an awkward silence between us and the thick atmosphere wasn't helping my furiously beating heart.

"How old is your daughter?"

"Miyuki is turning 5 soon next month."

"Yuki.... that's a beautiful name."

I said looking off a distance.
I had completely forgot the idea that I had to clean up and he was the same too.

We just stood there in the hallway enjoying each others company.

"I haven't met your wife yet."

I said slowly as I turned to look at him.

He had a sad face and I was unsure if I put out the right statement.

"I don't have a wife. She abruptly left Yuki with me and disappeared."

I didn't know what to say or feel.

Should I feel happy? Or sad?

I just stood there awkwardly thinking of what to say.

"Must be hard being a single dad and moreover, being a CEO of such a big company. You're truly an admirable man, Mr.Kim."

I looked at him smiling while he looked into my eyed with his hands inside his pocket and looking seductive as hell.

Oh lord have mercy.

"I can be admirable in other fields too, babygirl. I would be glad to show you."

My mouth hung open not believe his duality and the things spewing out of his pretty mouth.

He smirked making my blood boil in a good way. I could feel my cheeks becoming red and the beating of my heart was so loud.

He has that effect on me and he knows.

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