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After picking up Yuki from school, I had a lot of crisis.

First, she refused to get inside the cab because she thought cabs had the most germs.

Second, after convincing her and taking her home, she complains she is hungry and when I make her a very kid friendly sandwich with jams and all, she refuses to eat it because she doesn't like jams like who in a four year old doesn't like strawberry jams for Gods sake.

Third,she threw cold water over me when I was bathing her.

She is just a very hyper kid. Nothing to complain but she's a bit bratty.

And now, she's safely tucked in her bed after making a fuss because I forgot to read her her  favourite bedtime story.

I was beyond exhausted but I will get used to this lifestyle soon enough.

It was around 8 pm and the cook had come to make us dinner. Taehyung has gone over the top when it come to a meal. He hires the best of the best to cook for him because he thinks food is the most important thing.

"Good evening Miss Hyemin. I will be cooking you dinner now. Anything specific you want for dinner tonight?"

"Oh, good evening Chef Shizekun. I have no problem with anything you cook. Its all delicious no matter what."

I gave him a big smile and he returned an  even bigger one making all his eyes disappear.

He is a wonderful Japanese chef with 2 Michelin stars.

He's always here on weekdays and creates absolutely smacking food.

We've been getting along because most of the time its just the both of us. We've talked about things here and there too.

He tells me he has a family back in Japan with a lovely wife and two kids. He is a very admirable man and his sushi skills are one of the best in Seoul.

I never actually go out of the house because even when there is groceries you need, Taehyung trusts home delivery.

And I actually don't have to venture out for things.

The maid that comes to clean the house twice in a week and Chef Shizekun is all I talk to.

And one thing about Taehyung is that he absolutely doesn't allow me to go out unless you call him and ask for permission. I've tried it once and went out where he saw me bonding with one of my former colleagues who happened to be a man and  things got out of hand.

So that was the last time I ever called him for permission. And moreover, I don't actually get too bored because he surprisingly has a lot of video games with him.

The chef's cooking made me hungry and I was just gawking at the food he cooked while being seated on the counter.

Just then, the sound of the door clicking open could be heard.

Taehyung's home.

He entered the kitchen and I just smiled at him. He ruffled his hair and loosened his tie. He looked tired and spaced out.

"How was work?"

I asked him, still unaware how he will respond because he actually looked exhausted. He opened the fridge and gulped down a bottle of water.

I guess I'm getting ignored then.

I pouted but quickly changed my expression when he looked at me.

He suddenly ran towards me and lifted me off the counter.

I shrieked quite loudly very embarrassed because he was like this in front of the chef but i'm sure he's busy cooking.

I tightly held on his shoulders while he  carried me to the living room. He put me down on the sofa and he was on his knees on the floor facing me.

"Is Yuki asleep now?"

I was so happy and giddy yet I couldn't hide the blush formulating on my cheeks.

He was so close and my fragile heart couldn't take his handsome face in my system.

"Umm, yeah. She is asleep."

I said lowly avoiding his eyes.

I can't directly look into his eyes because it was too much. His eyes did something to me and I can't look into eyes that holds so much emotion yet nothing.

"Did you miss me?"

He said smirking and I swear to God he is the slickest human being I've ever come across.

I had to change the subject.

"Uh, your girlfriend came to visit today."

"Huh? My girlfriend?"

"Yeah, and she was pissed."

"Oh, you mean Cassie? She's not my girlfriend. She called me and said I was lucky I was working because she was planning on killing me."

He said half laughing.

"What did you do to her?"

I was curious now.

"I tricked her by giving her a card that had no money in it after we had sex and now she wants money. She was also mad that I lied to her about having a child."

Wow, just wow. His straight forwarded ass just said all that.

All I could say was O.

"And also she's not my girlfriend. She just wants to be one."

I smiled widely at that because I was so relieved that he was not playing with my feelings and that it all made sense now.

"Why.... why are you so happy to know I'm single?"

He laughed actually finding it fun to tease me.

"W-what are you saying?! I w-wasn't even smiling."

"Whatever you say, princess."
He lightly touched the tip of my nose and I immediately stiffened.

"I thought you actually had a girlfriend."

"Aww my baby. I would never betray a perfect woman like you."

I blushed, yet again. He always has a way with his words to make me shy one way or the other.

"Say, were you jealous?"

"H-huh? W-what? Jealous?"
I nervously laughed.

He was right. I was jealous of her and what they had even though it was  just for one night.
But I'll never admit that to him.

"I can see through you, babygirl. You're an open book. I'm sorry for hurting you and all but that happened way before we met and now that you're here, I would never ever do it again. Only with you, if you want that is."

He was smirking! Rude.

This was all too much.

Do I want that? What if he leaves me after one night because it's not what he imagined it to be? What if he finds Cassie better than me?

"Are you insane, Taehyung? Don't say such things."

I lightly hit his arms and he laughed.

"I am not kidding, Hyemin. All I need is you. Just you."

"Well, I'm underaged for a fact."
I said laughing nervously.

"Then I'll just have to wait until you're legal."
He smiled at me lovingly.

"Sir, dinner's ready!"

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